Gilead Test | Final Test - Medium

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Gilead Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did John discover about Lila when she spoke of him "more kindly than I deserve"?
(a) That she had found the settled life she always wanted.
(b) That she was making preparations for when he was dead.
(c) That she was glad that they were married.
(d) That she was worried about his health.

2. What is the name of the article John reads in the Ladies' Home Journal?
(a) War and the American People.
(b) Loss of the American People.
(c) God and the American People.
(d) Fear and the American People.

3. What is the revelation about Jack's wife after it is discovered that he has a wife and child?
(a) She is colored.
(b) She is moving in with the Boughtons.
(c) She is dying of tuberculosis.
(d) She is a native American.

4. What does John encourage his son to do when he is an old man himself?
(a) See more of the world.
(b) Read some of his books.
(c) Write some sort of account of himself.
(d) All of the above.

5. What job was Jack holding when his wife became pregnant?
(a) He was selling shoes.
(b) He was selling men's clothes.
(c) He was waiting tables.
(d) He was teaching at a high school.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does John state has been in Gilead, in addition to saints and martyrs?

2. Which character said, "Maybe some people aren't so comfortable with themselves"?

3. In John's grandfather's holiday sermon, what does he say the Lord came to him and did?

4. When Jack states that John is in an unconventional marriage himself, what is he referring to?

5. According to John, what does light seem to be a metaphor for?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are some of John's reflections about Jack as a youth?

2. How does John recall Boughton's parents?

3. How does John explain the futility of defending beliefs?

4. John writes an extensive contemplation of the Ten Commandments, focusing on the Fifth Commandment. What are some of his thoughts?

5. Describe the relationship Jack had with a lower-class, uneducated girl.

6. What is the nature of the conversation John and Boughton have while Lila, their son, and Glory have gone to the movies?

7. Describe John's birthday.

8. What are John's thoughts on "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine"?

9. How does John recall Jack's baptism?

10. What are two memories of pranks that John and Boughton share on Boughton's porch?

(see the answer keys)

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