Gilead Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Gilead Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Boughton's childhood name?
(a) Brewster.
(b) Benny.
(c) Buster.
(d) Bobby.

2. When John was a child, what did he think the purpose of steeples were?
(a) To assure that the church was the tallest structure in town.
(b) To attract lightning.
(c) To point others to God.
(d) To honor ancient church architecture.

3. What did John say he dreamed about after his visit to the graveyard?
(a) Grasshoppers.
(b) Being lost.
(c) Stepping on graves.
(d) Ghosts.

4. Who is John's older brother?
(a) Boughton.
(b) Thomas.
(c) Henry.
(d) Edward.

5. When John met with the church trustees, what suggestions from him did they ignore?
(a) That the church be sold to the Lutherans.
(b) That the church purchase new hymnals.
(c) That the church install stained glass windows.
(d) That repairs be made to the church building.

6. How many children does Boughton have?
(a) Four.
(b) Five.
(c) Eight.
(d) Two.

7. John states that "there were barrels on the street corners" so that contributions could be made to the war effort. What is placed in these barrels?
(a) Tin foil.
(b) Peach pits.
(c) Grease.
(d) Nylon stockings.

8. Why had John's grandfather come to Kansas from Maine?
(a) To help Free Soilers establish the right to vote.
(b) To plant a church.
(c) To fight the Confederates.
(d) To start a family in a new community.

9. What does John say "you never quite get used to"?
(a) Questions about eternity.
(b) The world at night.
(c) The scrutiny of other people.
(d) Growing old.

10. What does John state happened the next day after he heard the story about the wounded Union soldier from his father?
(a) They were caught in a storm.
(b) They came to the Maine lady's farmhouse.
(c) They were shot at by an irate farmer.
(d) They found his grandfather's grave.

11. When was John born?
(a) 1895.
(b) 1890.
(c) 1880.
(d) 1885.

12. John states that his wife is "an excellent woman, but unschooled in _____________________ "
(a) Parenthood.
(b) Religion.
(c) Social graces.
(d) Biology.

13. Why did Boughton name his son Jack after John?
(a) Boughton's wife talked him into it.
(b) Boughton was afraid that he might not have another son.
(c) Boughton liked the name John.
(d) Boughton thought naming children after biblical characters was too showy.

14. When John would come home and his grandfather was in the house in the midst of a vision, what would his mother tell him?
(a) "The Lord is in the parlor."
(b) "Your grandfather is talking to God."
(c) "Your grandfather is having one of his spells."
(d) "Don't go in the parlor."

15. What causes the death of many soldiers and others all across the country at the end of WWI?
(a) The bird flu.
(b) The Spanish flu.
(c) Tuberculosis.
(d) The Swine flu.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the pathway in the abolitionist town become?

2. How did John lose his Greek Testament?

3. What was John's mother's name?

4. What does John tell his son he regrets?

5. Where does Boughton's son come from before visiting his home?

(see the answer keys)

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