Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What concept allowed Maranda to manage well without the left half of her brain?
(a) Plasticity.
(b) Multiplicity.
(c) Relativity.
(d) Serendipity.

2. In "A Special Year," why was the author concerned about his wife traveling to Australia?
(a) She would have to quit a lucrative job.
(b) She was pregnant and on bed rest.
(c) She would have to leave all of her close friends.
(d) She hated warm climates.

3. What does the author say happened every time an instrument touched Maranda during her surgery?
(a) Her toes moved.
(b) Her fingers moved.
(c) Her blood pressure dropped.
(d) She started to bleed.

4. What does the author say was a "golden opportunity," where there would be no outcries over Denise Baca's hemispherectomy?
(a) When his critic left for an overseas conference.
(b) When Denise's family and friends held a candlelight vigil.
(c) When a judge ordered the operation.
(d) When the author was asked to televise the procedure.

5. How long did the author expect Maranda's surgery to be, in "A Girl Named Maranda"?
(a) Four hours.
(b) Five hours.
(c) Two hours.
(d) Twelve hours.

6. The author says he was hooked the first few times he looked down upon what?
(a) A human brain.
(b) A beating heart.
(c) A needy child.
(d) Operating theater.

7. How did Beth Usher, in "Little Beth," receive a bump that later caused her first seizure?
(a) She fell from a swing.
(b) She was hit with a baseball.
(c) She ran into a wall.
(d) She was stung by a bee.

8. What are members of the Ben Carson Club at Old Court Middle School in the Baltimore suburbs required to do?
(a) Watch no more than three tevelvision programs a week and read at least two books.
(b) Follow the author's "Think Big" commands.
(c) Meet with a mentor every week.
(d) Work in teams devising original science investigations.

9. Why did the chief of surgery at Provident Hospital suggest the author did not want to stay at Johns Hopkins?
(a) He said the patients were prejudiced.
(b) He said there was too much drama.
(c) He said the institution was steeped in racism.
(d) He said the salary was too poor.

10. What did the author find a technique for that involves placing metal rings on the back and front of the skull?
(a) Finding the foramen ovale.
(b) Removing brain tumors.
(c) Curing headaches.
(d) Taking better x-rays of the brain.

11. What does the author believe, even after losing Jennifer, about his relationship to patients?
(a) He believes he will cry whenever he loses a patient.
(b) He thinks it is fine to be emotionally attached.
(c) He feels he is a father figure to his patients.
(d) He believes nurses should break bad news to parents for him.

12. What news did Maranda's parents receive about her diagnosis at UCLA Medical Center?
(a) The results were inconclusive.
(b) The doctors saw no evidence of inflammation on her brain.
(c) The doctors believed a new drug would cure her.
(d) Her condition was inoperable.

13. What happened when the author pulled Craig's tumorous growth in his brain stem, during his surgery?
(a) The author heard God's voice.
(b) It came free in one gigantic blob.
(c) Craig began to bleed excessively.
(d) The author suddenly felt lightheaded.

14. In "The Rest of Their Story," what did the author say headlines read after the twins' surgery?
(a) Twins may not survive.
(b) It's all in God's hands.
(c) Dr. Carson a hero.
(d) Twins blind from surgery.

15. How long did the twins remain in a coma after their surgery in "The Rest of Their Story"?
(a) Ten days.
(b) Two weeks.
(c) Two months.
(d) A week.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did the author tell Craig and Susan that he could NOT open the pons up during Craig's surgery?

2. How much blood did Maranda lose during the hemispherectomy?

3. How many applications for neurosurgery residency does the author say Johns Hopkins averaged?

4. During what years was the author a resident at Johns Hopkins?

5. Denise's surgery, in "Little Beth," confirmed for the author that when people know their _____ and they know their job, it doesn't matter who _____ them.

(see the answer keys)

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