Gift from the Sea Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gift from the Sea Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the author say each person must develop on his/her own?
(a) One's own attitudes
(b) One's own talents
(c) One's own beliefs
(d) One's own personality

2. To what does the author compare the oyster shell for comfort?
(a) The gentle sun
(b) A feather bed
(c) A pair of old gardening gloves
(d) Soft sand

3. Why does the author believe it will be difficult to remember her thoughts from the beach?
(a) Her husband takes up all her time
(b) Life is too hectic at home
(c) One's thoughts and visions begin to fade
(d) They won't be relevant

4. What best describes Anne's feelings towards middle age?
(a) Acceptence and regret
(b) Depression
(c) Happiness
(d) Optimism

5. How does the structure of the oyster shell appear?
(a) Evenly spaced
(b) Sprawling and uneven
(c) Intricate and planned
(d) It has no structure

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Anne believe concentrating on the world's problems might do to someone?

2. What type of people does the author believe one would be unlikely to be friends with in a city?

3. Why is the author amused by the oyster shell?

4. What might limit a person's outlook on life?

5. What are people expected to know in modern life?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the Argonauta and how does it use its shell?

2. How does Anne feel about people who are solely concerned about the problems of the whole?

3. How does Anne see the benefit of meeting people on an island as opposed to in a city?

4. How does the author see the beginning of a marriage for most people?

5. How does Anne see the difference between everyday task at home and on the island?

6. How does Anne feel about the years to come in her life?

7. How has the world changed since modern communication?

8. What does Anne think middle age might bring to her relationships?

9. What does Anne say is the key to dealing with the whole and moving forward?

10. What does the author say about most people wanting duration in life and marriage?

(see the answer keys)

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