Gift from the Sea Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gift from the Sea Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What stage of life does the author say the oyster shell best represents?
(a) Youth
(b) The middle years
(c) Birth
(d) Old age

2. Why is the author amused by the oyster shell?
(a) It is reminiscent of her life at the moment
(b) It reminds her of her father
(c) It is reminiscent of her religion
(d) It reminds her of her youth

3. How does the visit effect Anne's path?
(a) Makes her work harder
(b) Makes it noisy
(c) Makes it crowded
(d) Does not diminish the path

4. The author asserts that to expect duration in one's life and relationships is what?
(a) Insane
(b) Unrealistic
(c) Common
(d) Reasonable

5. What are two ways bonds in marriage are formed?
(a) Taking care of parents and going to school
(b) Loyalties and shared experiences
(c) Working and praying
(d) Having children and hobbies

6. What does the author say the perfect day with her visitor represents?
(a) The give and take of relationships
(b) Being able to ignore someone politely
(c) Being alone when someone is with you
(d) Being too polite to say no

7. What does the author say a woman must discover for herself?
(a) Whether she wants children
(b) Her identity
(c) Her talents
(d) Her intelligence

8. How common are the oyster shells?
(a) Very common
(b) Somewhat rare
(c) Very rare
(d) Common only in Florida

9. What does the author intend to do about the societal implications of age?
(a) Survive them
(b) Mitigate them
(c) Ignore them
(d) Get rid of them

10. How does Anne feel as she leaves the sea?
(a) Happy
(b) Tired but peaceful
(c) Nostalgia is already setting in
(d) Tushed she has to get home

11. For what was the Argonauta named?
(a) An old Latin term
(b) Nothing in particular
(c) Jason's ship as he searched for the golden fleece
(d) The Roman God of the sea

12. The metaphor of dance exquisitely describes the method in which one may approach what?
(a) How to grow young
(b) How to learn
(c) Relationships
(d) The unknown and lack of continuity in life

13. How does society deal with middle/late age?
(a) Ignores it
(b) Fears it
(c) Makes fun of it
(d) Condemns it

14. How are most actions taken for helping people in modern life?
(a) On a case by case basis
(b) On behalf of the whole
(c) Without thought of the repercussions
(d) To benefit self rather than others

15. When one lets go of the past one does one get?
(a) A certain freedom
(b) Peace of mind
(c) Nothing
(d) A different present

Short Answer Questions

1. How much does Anne believe her thoughts at the beach will change her life at home?

2. What best describes Anne's feelings towards middle age?

3. What does romantic love turn to, according to the author?

4. Why does Anne say about the tasks at home and time?

5. What makes people seem different on the island from people in the city?

(see the answer keys)

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