Gift from the Sea Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gift from the Sea Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the beginning of a marriage the author says there's little time to do what?
(a) To have children
(b) To have vacations
(c) To simply enjoy the life being built
(d) To travel

2. The author suggests that compassion may not be possible in the modern world for who?
(a) Criminals
(b) Violent countries
(c) Individuals
(d) Groups of people

3. When one lets go of the past one does one get?
(a) A different present
(b) Nothing
(c) A certain freedom
(d) Peace of mind

4. What does Anne believe concentrating on the world's problems might do to someone?
(a) Keep their lives in chaos
(b) Keep them from having children
(c) Keep them from helping individuals
(d) Keep them from solving their own problems

5. How does she relate time to the dance?
(a) Dancing apart is walking in different times
(b) Clinging to a step is the past, going too fast is the future
(c) Dancing hard is hanging onto the past
(d) Not dancing is being in the now

6. What does the author say makes it impossible to stand up for each person in existence?
(a) The over population of the world
(b) The lifespan of a person and demands placed on daily life
(c) The lack of knowledge
(d) The lack of heart and soul

7. What strong lure does the author feel when contemplating the oyster shell?
(a) Home and family
(b) A new career
(c) Parental guidance
(d) Romantic love

8. How are most actions taken for helping people in modern life?
(a) To benefit self rather than others
(b) On behalf of the whole
(c) On a case by case basis
(d) Without thought of the repercussions

9. What might limit a person's outlook on life?
(a) Looking for easy answers
(b) Looking for simplicity, inner integrity and fuller relationships
(c) Trying to stay as simple in the city as on the island
(d) Not being open to complexity

10. What about space around an object changes it?
(a) It can stand out and be noticed and admired
(b) Someone might not see it and break it
(c) It could get lost
(d) It could change the color

11. What does Anne say one must be aware of in everyday life?
(a) The fastest way to complete tasks
(b) The planet and all its inhabitants
(c) Which path to pursue at home
(d) How to make things happen

12. What are two ways bonds in marriage are formed?
(a) Taking care of parents and going to school
(b) Having children and hobbies
(c) Loyalties and shared experiences
(d) Working and praying

13. How is the shell of the Argonauta used by them?
(a) The mother uses it as a cradle for its young
(b) It is used to attract a mate
(c) It is used to dig in the sand
(d) It is used to attract its prey

14. What does Anne say people must do as far as time goes?
(a) Live in the present
(b) Work faster
(c) Throw away all clocks
(d) Not think about time at all

15. How does society deal with middle/late age?
(a) Fears it
(b) Makes fun of it
(c) Condemns it
(d) Ignores it

Short Answer Questions

1. What does romantic love turn to, according to the author?

2. What does Anne believe is not her responsibility to do?

3. As far as relationships go, what does the author say is generally not an option?

4. What does the author say the perfect day with her visitor represents?

5. What will she use to remind her of the island at home?

(see the answer keys)

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