Gift from the Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gift from the Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the author say about one and only moments in a relationship?
(a) They are not permanent
(b) They aren't healthy
(c) They don't exist
(d) They are to be avoided

2. What casts a powerful spell on Anne?
(a) The sea
(b) The shells
(c) The breeze
(d) The sun

3. What about the author's life makes it more difficult to achieve simplicity?
(a) She has too many children
(b) Her life is subject to public scrutiny
(c) Her husband is unfaithful
(d) She has to work

4. What kind of container does she carry to the beach everyday?
(a) A faded straw bag
(b) A canteen
(c) A leather purse
(d) A terry cloth bag

5. Who preached against the dangers of multiplicity in the third century?
(a) Sophie
(b) Plotinus
(c) Artisimis
(d) Bethel

6. Why is a pure relationship not to be desired?
(a) It is too frustrating
(b) It doesn't last
(c) It is limited
(d) It gets boring

7. During the second week at the sea what returns to Anne?
(a) The ability to think
(b) Her tan from last year
(c) Her children
(d) Her husband

8. How do people smile at the beach?
(a) Carefully
(b) Slyly
(c) They don't, too sandy with the wind
(d) Like children

9. What will the moon shell placed on her desk in Connecticut do for the author?
(a) Smell bad
(b) It will be a reminder
(c) Nothing
(d) Get the desk sandy

10. What does the state of ease allow?
(a) For her to sleep
(b) For her to relax
(c) For her to talk to others
(d) Her to focus on inner thoughts and observations

11. Why is less time spent caring for the home now possible?
(a) Smaller houses
(b) Men help
(c) A myriad inventions
(d) Smaller families

12. How long does it take Anne to slip into a state of ease?
(a) A week
(b) A few days
(c) The entire vacation
(d) A few hours

13. To what does the author compare the inner point of the moon shell?
(a) A marriage ring
(b) The circle of life
(c) To a pupil of the eye
(d) Pregnancy

14. What does the author say everyone wants out of love?
(a) To be the only one loved by a person
(b) To not be bored
(c) To be taken care of
(d) To be faithful

15. How does the author see the architecture of the channeled whelk?
(a) It is dull
(b) It is haphazard
(c) It is ugly, but functional
(d) As a seamless work of art

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Anne afraid of when she is alone and feeling peaceful?

2. What does residing by the sea do for the author?

3. What does the author say is required to obtain simplicity?

4. What does a married woman's concerns keep her from doing?

5. What does Anne believe is possible at the beach as far as shelter is concerned?

(see the answer keys)

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