Gift from the Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gift from the Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does the author believe people often break up a romantic relationship?
(a) People believe a new relationship will solve their problems
(b) Infidelity or too much flirting
(c) Fighting about money and children
(d) Bad sex

2. What two actions does the author say are not acceptable paths to simplicity?
(a) Being famous
(b) Total renunciation or total acceptance of the world
(c) Having more than three children
(d) Becoming rich

3. What does the author consider one of the most important techniques for living?
(a) Pray
(b) Simplification
(c) Breathing
(d) Eating well

4. What should women do with some of the time freed up in modern times?
(a) Work
(b) Volunteer
(c) Have a hobby
(d) Use it to feed and nourish the center

5. What does the spell in question #18 do to Anne?
(a) Revives the dormant ability to relax
(b) Gives her the ability to talk to those around her
(c) Gives her great ideas for books to write
(d) Makes her invent things

6. Who preached against the dangers of multiplicity in the third century?
(a) Bethel
(b) Plotinus
(c) Artisimis
(d) Sophie

7. According to the author, what happens to the original essence of a relationship?
(a) Gets buried under the impediments of life
(b) Gets buried under jealousy or insecurity
(c) Dies out from hormones
(d) Gets boring

8. What does the author say is required to obtain simplicity?
(a) Being single
(b) Sacrifices
(c) No family
(d) Simple surroundings

9. At the beach, what is the first step to achieving simplicity?
(a) Fast with only liquids
(b) Meditate an hour a day
(c) Wear a swim suit
(d) Shed everything unnecessary

10. To whom will the sea not give its gifts?
(a) To the greedy or impatient
(b) To children who can't be still
(c) To men
(d) to criminals

11. According to the author, what is seen as failure in a relationship?
(a) To not have children
(b) To not maintain the original pattern
(c) To break up
(d) To stay together too long

12. How long does it take Anne to slip into a state of ease?
(a) The entire vacation
(b) A few days
(c) A week
(d) A few hours

13. What happens to the pencils she carries?
(a) The leads break
(b) They get wet and don't work well
(c) She loses them
(d) They get dull from use

14. What part of a relationship is pure, according to the author?
(a) The first part
(b) At the end
(c) When eating the other's cooking
(d) After ten years

15. What kind of atmosphere between people does a beach create?
(a) Suspicious
(b) Carefree
(c) Tense
(d) Shy

Short Answer Questions

1. The author compares to the channeled whelk to what of hers?

2. What does the author say is natural and part of the process of life?

3. What does the state of ease allow?

4. What effect does solitude have on people?

5. What does living life an on island do for the author's thoughts?

(see the answer keys)

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