Gideon's Trumpet Test | Final Test - Hard

Anthony Lewis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gideon's Trumpet Test | Final Test - Hard

Anthony Lewis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the formal name of Gideon's Supreme Court case?

2. Why did Jacob only have evenings and weekends to devote to the states' case against Gideon?

3. Who is the law student who works on research for Fortas?

4. Who is the new director of the Florida prison system during Gideon's Supreme Court trial?

5. Lawyers appearing before the Supreme Court should present facts as opposed to ________________.

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Jacob's opinion on the retroactive element of any law which may evolve from Gideon's Supreme Court case?

2. Compare and contrast the legal resources for Jacob representing states' rights and Fortas representing just one man.

3. What is the author's reply to those who may question whether a case like Gideon's should be managed through legislation or allowed to proceed to the Supreme Court?

4. What is the impact of the Gideon ruling regarding getting support for attorneys who are appointed to criminal cases?

5. What is Justice Black's statement about Betts when he offers the Supreme Court opinion?

6. What is Justice Harlan's simple statement that overturns Betts vs. Brady?

7. What does Fortas believe would be the surest way to get assenting opinions from the Justices in Gideon's case?

8. What change on the Supreme Court bench seems fortunate for Gideon's case?

9. Why is Gideon's Supreme Court case called Gideon vs. Wainwright?

10. What could be the reason that the Supreme Court Justices selected Fortas to represent Gideon?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

When reading Gideon's file, Abe Fortas is interested to know whether or not Gideon is a black man. Why would this have been an important fact? What was happening in the South in the 1960s that would have made Gideon's race a critical factor to his case?

Essay Topic 2

With what crime had Clarence Earl Gideon been charged? What prevented his being appointed an attorney? Wouldn't Gideon have qualified under the "special circumstances" clause? Explain.

Essay Topic 3

The struggle for justice takes on an almost human persona in this story. What is this literary technique called? Cite examples that support this position.

(see the answer keys)

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