Gideon's Trumpet Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Anthony Lewis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gideon's Trumpet Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Anthony Lewis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 13 and 14.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. An attorney representing a client in a Supreme Court case gets money for ________________.
(a) Travel to and from Washington D.C.
(b) Hotel accommodations.
(c) Hourly billing.
(d) Food and entertainment.

2. In Gideon's reply to the Florida Attorney General's document, Gideon states that he can't cite laws such as the Florida Attorney General has, but that he "_____________________________."
(a) But he will look them up if it takes forever.
(b) Has good intentions.
(c) Is trying to learn the best he can.
(d) Knows there are many of them.

3. Which of the following is true regarding Supreme Court Justices?
(a) They don't seek re-election and are not indebted to anyone.
(b) They are free to disagree.
(c) They are appointed to lifetime terms.
(d) All of these.

4. Who was the Florida governor at the time of Gideon vs. Wainwright?
(a) Frank Bryan.
(b) Farris Bryant.
(c) Fess Barkley.
(d) Ferris Buller.

5. With whom does Gideon file a petition?
(a) The Florida Appellate Court.
(b) The U.S. Supreme Court.
(c) The NAACP.
(d) The American Civil Liberties Union.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the case in which the the opinion indicates that federal defendants should always have the right to an attorney?

2. How might Gideon have known about the Carnley vs. Cochran case?

3. What does Henry Cook state that Gideon had in his hand when he saw him on the morning of June 3?

4. Which state files its own brief in support of the principles of Gideon's case?

5. Why did Gideon never move his family out of Panama City?

(see the answer key)

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