Ghoul Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

George Saunders
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 75 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ghoul Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

George Saunders
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 75 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 1: "Ghoul" pages 1-18.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What word do the people in the story use to mean "inform"?
(a) Tattle.
(b) Snitch.
(c) Rat.
(d) Squeal.

2. What is the name of Brian's workhouse?

3. When Brian goes for a walk along the creek to think, what does he see being repaired?
(a) The vending machines.
(b) Bridge C.
(c) Ducks.
(d) Fish.

4. Why did Brian save Tom's letter?
(a) He wanted to have it as proof of Tom's crime.
(b) He wanted to read it several more times.
(c) He does not have anything else to read.
(d) He wanted to show it to Tim, at work.

5. On page 10, what phrase is used to describe statements like Tom's about the Visitors?
(a) Regrettable Falsehood.
(b) Erroneous Negativity.
(c) Disturbing Sentiment.
(d) Anti-Community Statement.

Short Answer Questions

1. What pastime is available in the Room?

2. Who does Brian see Tom Frame mating with?

3. What is implied about Amy when she tells the crowd that Brian informed on Tom "To me. Just now. Immediately" (11)?

4. When Brian saw Rolph on Break, what was Rolph writing?

5. What does Brian see on Tom Frame's body when he passes it later in the day?

(see the answer key)

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