The Ghost Sonata Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ghost Sonata Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is NOT an object the Old Man demands that the Colonel remove in Act II?
(a) His false teeth.
(b) His silk shirt.
(c) His mustache.
(d) His wig.

2. What does the Mummy do when Bengtsson asks her to whistle?
(a) She whistles.
(b) She shouts.
(c) She spits.
(d) She weeps.

3. What does the Mummy do when the cupboard door is opened?
(a) Sleeps.
(b) Sobs.
(c) Protests.
(d) Barks.

4. What piece of jewelry does the Colonel remove and give to the Old Man during Act II?
(a) A necklace.
(b) A watch.
(c) A ring.
(d) A bracelet.

5. To what role is Johansson assigned during the ghost supper?
(a) Pushing the Old Man around the party.
(b) Serving tea.
(c) Taking coats.
(d) Announcing guests.

Short Answer Questions

1. Johansson marvels at the fact that which character is "itching to get in" the house "as if it were a paradise" (20)?

2. When the Colonel enters the Round Room to meet with the Old Man, what instruction does he give to the Old Man?

3. In what arrangement do the guests at the ghost supper sit down?

4. The Mummy does NOT mention which element while naming the elements that bond her to the Colonel?

5. For which character does the servant named Bengtsson work?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are the Mummy's first words within the play and what is the significance of her first words?

2. Which character is depicted within the portrait in the Round Room and what is the portrait's symbolism?

3. How is the theme of authenticity linked with a particular character within Act II and for what purpose does Strindberg make this connection?

4. What truth is eventually revealed about the connection between the Milkmaid and the Old Man?

5. Discuss a moment in the play when a character uses a literary device in conjunction with the topic of animals.

6. When the Old Man declares everything in the Colonel's house as now belonging to him, what items does the Colonel claim can never be taken away from him?

7. What events lead the Old Man to conclude that the "place is haunted" (21)?

8. In what way does the motif of dreams emerge within Act II and why does Strindberg use the motif to show a similarity between the Student and Johannson?

9. For what reason is the gathering in Act II referred to as a "ghost supper," (18) according to Bengtsson?

10. What two favors does the Old Man ask of the Colonel in return for paying off the Colonel's debts?

(see the answer keys)

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