Ghost Test | Final Test - Medium

Jason Reynolds
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ghost Test | Final Test - Medium

Jason Reynolds
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Sunny’s secret?
(a) That his father left when he was young.
(b) That he is being raised by foster parents.
(c) That his mother died in childbirth.
(d) That he was adopted.

2. What saves Ghost from the mortification of everyone’s laughter?
(a) The teacher restores order.
(b) Shamika apologizes.
(c) He runs out in the middle of class.
(d) The lunch bell.

3. What captures Ghost’s attention when he and his fellow newbies get to the Chinese restaurant with Coach Brody?
(a) The decorations.
(b) The menus.
(c) The fish in the tank.
(d) The mints on the counter.

4. What caused Shamika to notices Ghost’s sneakers?
(a) She was just observant and noticed them.
(b) His feet hit her under her desk.
(c) She tripped over Ghost’s feet.
(d) She bent down to pick up her pencil.

5. Why does Ghost’s mother not say anything about his new shoes?
(a) Because she is too tired to notice.
(b) Because he tells her coach got them for him.
(c) Because he does not let her see them.
(d) Because he takes them off and puts them in his room as soon as he gets home.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Ghost stop running after a short while after shoplifting shoes?

2. Who is it that smells like flowers in Coach Brody’s car?

3. How many of everything does Mr. Charlie want to have on the shelves?

4. What secret does Lu tell at the Chinese restaurant, to start his meal?

5. How far off is Ghost from knowing his true shoe size?

Short Essay Questions

1. What secret does Coach Brody tell at the restaurant?

2. What is Ghost’s reaction once everyone notices his shoes?

3. What is the Thursday exercise for the Defenders?

4. What happens to Ghost at Everything Sports?

5. What goes on at the basketball court when Ghost goes there after school on Friday?

6. What is Sunny’s house like, when Coach Brody and the others go to pick him up?

7. How does Ghost say lying made him feel?

8. How do Ghost and the other newbies bond on the way to the Chinese restaurant?

9. How does Mr. Charles make Ghost feel better for having been laughed at?

10. What is it like for Ghost to see Brandon Simmons again after their fight?

(see the answer keys)

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