Ghost World Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Ghost World Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Rebecca and Enid take a trip to see what together?
(a) Disneyland.
(b) The Bronx.
(c) Mt. Rushmore.
(d) Cavetown, USA.

2. What sport do Enid and Rebecca partake in, during Chapter Eight, Part One?
(a) Swimming.
(b) Volleyball.
(c) Tennis.
(d) Bowling.

3. When Enid shows up at Josh's apartment alone for the first time, he offers her a what?
(a) Drink.
(b) Bus ticket.
(c) Piece of pie.
(d) Joint.

4. What are Rebecca and Enid looking at in the beginning of Chapter Seven?
(a) The Internet.
(b) Old photos.
(c) The neighborhood boy.
(d) Enid's attack.

5. Who shows up late at night at Josh's apartment in the first part of Chapter Eight, Part One?
(a) Rebecca.
(b) The police.
(c) Melorra.
(d) Enid.

Short Answer Questions

1. Enid gets upset when her dad has a date with whom?

2. Rebecca thinks she is putting more what into the friendship with Enid?

3. Since Enid and Josh kissed, Rebecca is convinced that Josh what?

4. While sitting on the bench after seeing Mrs. Satanist, what do Rebecca and Enid do?

5. When Enid calls Bob Skeetes for the second time, why is she unable to leave a message?

Short Essay Questions

1. Once Enid takes the college entry test, what are the next steps in the college entry process?

2. Why does Rebecca feel betrayed when she learns Enid plans to go to college?

3. After kissing Josh, Enid pretends to feel what for him, in front of Rebecca?

4. How does Rebecca respond when she learns that Enid wants to go to college?

5. Why is John Ellis going on a talk show?

6. Why is Enid ambivalent on politics?

7. What is the atmosphere like in Hubba Hubba?

8. What do Rebecca and Enid make fun of, once they are at Hubba Hubba?

9. Why is it ironic that Rebecca worries about "some creep" falling in love with her?

10. Why does Enid assume "Norman" is crazy?

(see the answer keys)

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