Ghost World Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Ghost World Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does a patron fantasize about, in reference to the Satanist couple?
(a) They are undercover CIA agents.
(b) They are Mr. and Mrs. Claus.
(c) They are brother and sister.
(d) They are husband and wife.

2. When Enid tells Rebecca about the men who know Bob Skeetes, she describes them as what?
(a) Sports stars.
(b) Handsome.
(c) Bounty hunters.
(d) Rednecks.

3. What sarcastic remark does Rebecca make about John Crowley?
(a) "He's smart."
(b) "He's cute."
(c) "He's a genius."
(d) "He's likeable."

4. What occupation did Enid think was attractive when she was thirteen?
(a) Drug dealer.
(b) Truck driver.
(c) Prostitute.
(d) Nurse.

5. Where is Enid's VCR?
(a) Under the bed.
(b) In the closet.
(c) At school.
(d) In the shop.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Enid refuse to sell "Goofie Gus" to the man who wants to buy it?

2. What does Enid think of the customer who also fantasizes about the Satanist couple?

3. At the beginning of Chapter One, where are Enid and Rebecca?

4. What surprising fact did Enid learn about Allen Weinstein from his love letter?

5. What does Enid call the comedian?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Enid refuse to sell "Goofie Gus" at her yard sale?

2. Why do Enid and Rebecca panic when Carrie says "Hi," to them?

3. What does John Crowley plan to do with his life?

4. Why does Enid share the story of Rebecca's virginity with others?

5. Why does Enid claim to dislike the magazine Rebecca is reading at the beginning of Chapter One?

6. How does Enid feel about the prospect of spending time with Bob Skeetes?

7. Why does Enid claim the cookie box is pornographic?

8. Why does Rebecca joke that Enid wants to have a sexual relationship with John Ellis?

9. Why does Enid wear a mask in Chapter Four?

10. When Melorra bumps into Rebecca and Enid, why does she annoy them?

(see the answer keys)

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