Ghost World Test | Final Test - Easy

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Ghost World Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The two old ladies at Angels remind Enid and Rebecca of whom?
(a) Their mothers.
(b) Themselves in twenty years.
(c) Cheech and Chong.
(d) The girls at high school.

2. What type of music is playing at Hubba Hubba's?
(a) Juke box.
(b) Classic Rock.
(c) Piano music.
(d) Italian opera.

3. What does Josh give the homeless man on the side of the road?
(a) Money.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Food.
(d) Alcohol.

4. When Enid calls Bob Skeetes for the second time, why is she unable to leave a message?
(a) She is laughing too hard.
(b) Bob Skeete answers the phone.
(c) She becomes shy.
(d) His phone is disconnected.

5. Who does Enid hide from on the way home from the record store?
(a) Her third stepmother.
(b) Her stepmother.
(c) Her second stepmother.
(d) Her first stepmother.

6. According to Enid, what was her only happy childhood memory?
(a) Making snowmen.
(b) An outing with Carol.
(c) Visiting the city.
(d) A trip with Joanie.

7. What are desserts called at Hubba Hubba?
(a) Mind-Benders.
(b) Sweet-Stuff.
(c) Waist-Shifters.
(d) Tasty Nibbles.

8. When Enid's father tries to talk to her about being upset, she blames what as the cause?
(a) College.
(b) Rebecca.
(c) Boys.
(d) Hormones.

9. When Enid shows up at Josh's apartment alone for the first time, he offers her a what?
(a) Drink.
(b) Joint.
(c) Bus ticket.
(d) Piece of pie.

10. What does a little old man buy for his wife that Enid thinks is "so cute"?
(a) Grocery store flowers.
(b) A pair of diamond earrings.
(c) A puppy.
(d) A box of chocolates.

11. Enid describes a fetus as what?
(a) A "cute baby bean."
(b) A "tiny human."
(c) None of these.
(d) A "horrible monster."

12. While at Angels, Enid and Rebecca complain that they never see whom anymore?
(a) The Satanists.
(b) Melorra.
(c) Oomie.
(d) Josh.

13. What does Enid call the man who always sits on the bus bench?
(a) Bob.
(b) Norman.
(c) Mr. Waits.
(d) Stillman.

14. What are Rebecca and Enid looking at in the beginning of Chapter Seven?
(a) Old photos.
(b) The neighborhood boy.
(c) Enid's attack.
(d) The Internet.

15. What message is written on the garage in graffiti?
(a) Revolution.
(b) You Can Do It.
(c) Ghost World.
(d) Seize the Day.

Short Answer Questions

1. With his remark about the "Friendship Channel," John implies Enid is what?

2. Why do Rebecca and Enid propose to Josh?

3. How long did "Bearded Windbreaker" wait at the diner?

4. Just before kissing him, what does Enid tell Josh?

5. To avoid an intimate conversation with her father, Enid claims she needs to go get what?

(see the answer keys)

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