Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden,… Test | Final Test - Easy

Steve Coll
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden,… Test | Final Test - Easy

Steve Coll
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The CIA and State Department issued what alert shortly after bin Laden helped publish a joint manifesto?
(a) Bin Laden required a medium priority.
(b) Bin Laden required a high priority.
(c) Bin Laden required no priority.
(d) Bin Laden required a low priority.

2. In what year was Bhutto ousted from office and Nawaz Sharif became prime minister?
(a) 1996.
(b) 1999.
(c) 1998.
(d) 1997

3. Shortly into 2000, the Counterterrorist Center picked up information that bin Laden had arrived in what location?
(a) Zawhar Kili Camp.
(b) Derunta Camp.
(c) Jaji Camp.
(d) Jalalabad Camp.

4. When had the White House counterterrorist group grown frustrated with intelligence reports on bin Laden's whereabouts?
(a) Early summer, 2000.
(b) Late spring, 2000.
(c) Early fall, 2000.
(d) Late summer, 2000.

5. By when had bin Laden moved his operations to the south to Kandahar?
(a) May 1996.
(b) November 1996.
(c) May 1995.
(d) November 1995.

6. Pakistan recognized the Taliban as its government without Sharif knowing, and days later the Taliban was expelled from where?
(a) Southern Afghanistan.
(b) Western Afghanistan.
(c) Northern Afghanistan.
(d) Eastern Afghanistan.

7. Since the equipment was already in place, the CIA decided to use it for whose capture?
(a) Massoud Khalili.
(b) Mullah Mohammed Omar.
(c) Osama bin Laden.
(d) Ahmed Shah Massoud.

8. A 1998 memorandum of notification signed by whom authorized CIA agents to use lethal force to capture bin Laden?
(a) Deutch.
(b) Woolsey.
(c) Tenet.
(d) Bill Clinton.

9. Which former Clinton lobbyist was hired by Pervz Musharraf to assure the White House his outlook was liberal?
(a) Leonard D. Jarvis.
(b) Lanny J. Davis.
(c) Leon J. Davis.
(d) Lenny J. David.

10. The CIA suspected Pakistani intelligence worked with bin Laden and trained recruits to fight where?
(a) Kashan.
(b) Kashgar.
(c) Kashmir.
(d) Kashubi.

11. When Bush becomes the President, what was one of the initial changes made at the CIA?
(a) Official position on Afghanistan changed.
(b) Obtain support for Massoud.
(c) Official position on Taliban changed.
(d) Predator flights were resumed.

12. Where on his inventory of threats the U.S. faced did Tenet rank bin Laden in 1999?
(a) 4.
(b) 2.
(c) 1.
(d) 3.

13. Madeleine Albright and who else declared publicly multiple times the U.S. would align with no side in Afghan's war?
(a) Richard Clarke, Karl F. "Rick" Inderfurth.
(b) Karl F. "Rick" Inderfurth, Tom Pickering.
(c) Tom Pickering, Tom Simons
(d) Richard Clarke, Tom Simons.

14. Massoud had gained strength in new arms deals and felt that the Taliban had weakened as he rebuilt what?
(a) Northern Alliance.
(b) Southern Alliance.
(c) Eastern Alliance.
(d) Western Alliance.

15. By early 1999, Tenet was certain that bin Laden would be capable of striking the U.S. at what point?
(a) Winter 1999.
(b) Summer 1999.
(c) Spring 2000.
(d) Any time.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was the White House national security adviser between 1993 and 1997?

2. The CIA prevented surprise attacks through analysis of information they distributed in reports to avoid what?

3. The first CIA Northern Afghanistan Liaison Team (NALT-1) flew by what means from Dushanbe to the Panjshir Valley in 1997?

4. Argentine oilman Carlos Bulgheroni had the same idea as Unocal and had whose support?

5. A commando raid on bin Laden was not pursued because it was thought that a failed attack with civilian casualties would yield what?

(see the answer keys)

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