Ghost Soldiers: The Epic Account of World War II's Greatest Rescue Mission Character Descriptions

Hampton Sides
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Ghost Soldiers: The Epic Account of World War II's Greatest Rescue Mission Character Descriptions

Hampton Sides
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Colonel Henry Mucci

This person was a West Point graduate who led the rescue mission of the Cabanatuan Camp.

Clair Phillips

This person moved to Manila in 1941 and opened a club that catered to an exclusive male clientele.

General Walter Krueger

This person commanded the U.S. Sixth Army and was a career military officer.

Captain Robert Prince

This person was selected to lead the assault mission on the Cabanatuan Camp and did not mention a foot infection to superiors.

Major Robert Lapham

This person was from Davenport, Iowa, and having escaped capture at Bataan, led a band of Filipino insurgents in the area of Luzon.

Staff Sergeant Abie Abraham

This person was a member of the 31st infantry, and a Syrian-American who grew up in western Pennsylvania

Dr. Ralph Emerson Hibbs

This person was a surgeon with the 31st infantry and became imprisoned at Cabanatuan after surviving...

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