Getting Near to Baby Test | Final Test - Easy

Audrey Couloumbis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Getting Near to Baby Test | Final Test - Easy

Audrey Couloumbis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Willa Jo has a scary dream about Baby ____________________.
(a) drowning in the swimming pool.
(b) going into a carnival tent.
(c) walking into traffic.
(d) being hit by a car.

2. How did Little Sister show that she needed some comfort on the morning Baby was sick?
(a) She carried her doll with her all morning.
(b) She wouldn't leave her mother's side.
(c) She walked around the house whining all morning.
(d) She sat on Willa Jo's lap and sucked her thumb.

3. What grocery store does Aunt Patty take Willa Jo and Little Sister to one day?
(a) Kroger's.
(b) Whole Foods.
(c) Albertson's.
(d) Piggly Wiggly.

4. Which childhood friend of Aunt Patty's do Aunt Patty and the girls see at the grocery?
(a) Tina.
(b) Teresa.
(c) Tressa.
(d) Tammy.

5. Aunt Patty says she is moving to _______________ where nobody will know her.
(a) Japan.
(b) France.
(c) Venezuela.
(d) England.

6. What does Uncle Hob ask the girls on the roof when he sticks his head out a window?
(a) If they wanted a cheese sandwich and some water.
(b) If they wanted to go to the seashore.
(c) If they wanted a radio to keep them company.
(d) If they could see China from where they were sitting.

7. Noreen has called and wants to _________________.
(a) go shopping.
(b) move to Charlotte.
(c) get a divorce.
(d) see the girls.

8. What is the only thing Noreen would do after Baby's death?
(a) Paint.
(b) Sleep.
(c) Cry.
(d) Vomit.

9. What does Aunt Patty say to Willa Jo that lets her know she is fed up with her?
(a) Willa Jo doesn't have one cooperative bone in her body.
(b) Willa Jo is a bad influence on Little Sister.
(c) Willa Jo should just get her shoes on and walk home.
(d) Willa Jo is the most anti-social child she has ever known.

10. What does Noreen decide made Baby so sick?
(a) A spider bite.
(b) Sun poisoning.
(c) The hot dog she ate.
(d) The water she drank.

11. How many children does the woman in #116 have?
(a) 1.
(b) 2.
(c) 6.
(d) 4.

12. What does Uncle Hob do when he sees the woman in #166 walking toward the house?
(a) Bows to her.
(b) Hides.
(c) Throws roof tiles at her.
(d) Ignores her.

13. A dream about _______________ wakens Willa Jo.
(a) Isaac.
(b) Miss Pettibone.
(c) Baby.
(d) Her mother.

14. Why is Miss Pettibone terminated from the Bible School?
(a) Because she came drunk one day.
(b) Because she stopped showing up for class.
(c) Because the students got ticks.
(d) Because she took the students on field trips without permission.

15. Who did Noreen send Willa Jo to get help when Baby was sick?
(a) Jayne.
(b) Aunt Patty.
(c) Her father.
(d) Milly.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Noreen traveling to Aunt Patty's house?

2. What does Aunt Patty do that surprises the girls?

3. What musical instrument does Uncle Hob play?

4. Liz is on her way to the store to buy _______________.

5. Little Sister and Peter knock over a display of ___________________ in the grocery.

(see the answer keys)

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