Getting Near to Baby Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Audrey Couloumbis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Getting Near to Baby Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Audrey Couloumbis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 19 and 20.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Uncle Hob ask the girls on the roof when he sticks his head out a window?
(a) If they wanted a radio to keep them company.
(b) If they wanted to go to the seashore.
(c) If they wanted a cheese sandwich and some water.
(d) If they could see China from where they were sitting.

2. Why is Miss Pettibone aggravated with all the girls at lunch time?
(a) They didn't finish their lunch.
(b) They littered under the tree.
(c) They are sitting on the steps.
(d) They won't come inside after lunch.

3. Why do Willa Jo and Little Sister decide to sit on the bench outside the drugstore?
(a) Little Sister has a blister on her foot.
(b) They don't have money to make a phone call.
(c) They are not allowed inside the store.
(d) They are waiting for Miss Pettibone to take them back to Bible School.

4. What does Aunt Patty threaten to do if the girls won't come down off the roof?
(a) Call the Police Chief.
(b) Call their mother.
(c) Call the Fire Department.
(d) Call their father.

5. How is Uncle Hob dressed when he crawls out onto the roof?
(a) Overalls.
(b) Shirt and tie.
(c) Swim trunks.
(d) Tuxedo.

Short Answer Questions

1. Aunt Patty asks Willa Jo if Little Sister had drunk _________________ the day they went to the fair.

2. The girls' mother told Willa Jo and Little Sister that Baby _____________________.

3. Willa Jo has a scary dream about Baby ____________________.

4. Why must the girls enter the house through the garage?

5. Uncle Hob gives the girls a mason jar filled with __________________.

(see the answer key)

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