Gertrude and Claudius Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gertrude and Claudius Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Geruthe think of Fengon's idea of love?
(a) She thinks it is unattenable.
(b) She thinks it is sweet.
(c) She thinks it is perfect.
(d) She thinks it is ridiculous.

2. What is Horvendil thinking of doing with Corambus?
(a) Promote him and his family.
(b) Run him out of the country.
(c) Kill him.
(d) Retire him, so he is far from the throne.

3. After Fengon returns from Lokisheim, where does he immediately go to in the castle?
(a) To plead with Horvendil.
(b) The audience chamber.
(c) The orchard.
(d) To see Geruthe.

4. What is Geruthe's first response to hearing Fengon describe his vow?
(a) She tries to make jest of it.
(b) She leaves the room for air.
(c) She tells Fengon that she could never love him.
(d) She tells Fengon of her love for him.

5. What does Geruthe do immediately after she is kissed by Fengon in the royal palace?
(a) She tells Fengon that she loves him.
(b) She laughs with happiness.
(c) She pulls away from Fengon.
(d) She kisses Fengon again.

Short Answer Questions

1. Horvendil asks Fengon why he has always had such hatred. How does Fengon respond to this question?

2. How does Gertrude feel about King Hamlet's death?

3. What doesn't Horvendil like about his son's chosen area of study?

4. What does Gertrude want Hamlet to do?

5. What does Geruthe suggest to Fengon as a solution to their affections for each other?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe two reasons why Horvendil wants Hamblet to return from his studies at Wittenberg.

2. Describe why the first secret meeting with Fengon and Geruthe at the lodge is an awkward event for both characters.

3. What was Corambis's involvement with the king's murder?

4. Why does Geruthe believe that Ophelia would be a good wife for Hamblet?

5. Why does Gertrude agree to marry Claudius so soon after King Hamlet's death?

6. Describe the difference between Fengon's idea of love and intimacy and how it is different than Geruthe's.

7. Describe the situation that causes Geruthe to desire Fengon.

8. Describe how Geruthe asks for the help of Corambis in order to secretly meet with Fengon.

9. What does Geruthe need from Fengon to confirm that he really loves and understands her?

10. Describe the plan to kill Horvendil.

(see the answer keys)

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