Gertrude and Claudius Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gertrude and Claudius Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Ophelia summoned to see Gertrude?
(a) To see if she is beautiful.
(b) To see how far her relationship with Hamlet has gone in the past.
(c) To see if she is witty enough for Hamlet.
(d) To see if she is interested in studying with Hamlet.

2. When does Horvendil summon Fengon to inform him that the affair with Geruthe is common knowledge?
(a) Christmas time.
(b) The beginning of spring.
(c) The end of October.
(d) The end of August.

3. How does Geruthe describe her idea of love?
(a) Natural.
(b) Flowery.
(c) Skyey.
(d) Earthy.

4. What word does Fengon use to describe love?
(a) Thorny.
(b) Ethereal.
(c) Stony.
(d) Earthy.

5. How is Horvendil killed?
(a) By a slit throat.
(b) By poison.
(c) By a great dual.
(d) By strangulation.

6. What does Geruthe ask of Corambis?
(a) For advice on conspiring against the king.
(b) For advice on Ophelia.
(c) For the use of his horse and carriage.
(d) For the use of his country house.

7. What story does Fengon tell Geruthe in their first secret meeting?
(a) He tells her a story about his mother.
(b) he tells her a story about his brother Horvendil.
(c) He tells her a story about love and war.
(d) He tells her a story about Byzantium.

8. What is Gertrude's personal regret about her marriage and King Hamlet's death?
(a) That her husband didn't confide in her.
(b) That her husband never loved her.
(c) That her husband never saw her as the person she really was.
(d) That her husband didn't want more children.

9. What does Horvendil intend to do with Corambis?
(a) Send him into exile.
(b) Execute him.
(c) Promote him in court.
(d) Torture him.

10. Who does Geruthe suggest as a good wife for Hamblet?
(a) Ophelia.
(b) A foreign princess.
(c) Fengon's daughter.
(d) A daughter of a royal cousin.

11. What is the first present that Fengon gives Geruthe when they meet for the second time?
(a) A silk scarf.
(b) A beautiful doll.
(c) A new horse.
(d) A cloisonny pendant.

12. What name has Corambis taken upon Fengon's coronation?
(a) Polonius.
(b) Corambous.
(c) Hamlet.
(d) Claudius.

13. How does Ophelia describe Hamlet to Gertrude?
(a) He can be very sweet and romantic.
(b) He can be very moody and difficult to be around.
(c) He can be very slow to think and make decisions.
(d) He can be very short tempered and violent.

14. Why does Fengon race to Lokisheim and then return to Elsinore?
(a) He must hide evidence from the king.
(b) He must retrieve weapons.
(c) He needs to retrieve a poison to kill the king.
(d) He must tell his servents to hide his posessions.

15. How would Gertrude describe Hamlet?
(a) Rude and unkind.
(b) Educated and sophisticated.
(c) Stately and strong.
(d) Skeptical and unsatisfied.

Short Answer Questions

1. What doesn't Horvendil like about his son's chosen area of study?

2. Who kills Horvendil?

3. After Fengon returns from Lokisheim, where does he immediately go to in the castle?

4. What did Geruthe realize about the falcon once it was too late?

5. What does Fengon do that starts his meeting with Geruthe badly?

(see the answer keys)

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