Germinal Test | Final Test - Easy

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Germinal Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the union help the miners?
(a) it doesn't
(b) it provides food
(c) it provides money
(d) it brings in people to help the miners win

2. How does each supervisor or mine director get out of dealing with the miners?
(a) they ignore them
(b) they get police protection
(c) they leave town
(d) they claim to have no authority

3. What major character is killed at the confrontation at the mine?
(a) Etienne
(b) Chaval
(c) Deneulin
(d) Maheu

4. Why do the miners organize a meeting in the forest?
(a) to plan a bank robbery
(b) to find deer for food
(c) to march to Paris
(d) to discuss Jean-Bart

5. What is hiding like for Etienne?
(a) like a game
(b) difficult
(c) fun
(d) it has no effect on him

6. Who does Lantier get to know after he left hiding?
(a) Pluchart
(b) Zariezia
(c) Deneulin
(d) a young soldier

7. What causes an explosion at the Jean-Bart mine?
(a) a fired lamp
(b) timbers that catch on fire
(c) dynamite lit by miners
(d) coal dust igniting

8. How much do the miners' actions at the Jean-Bart mine affect work there?
(a) it doesn't affect it
(b) it is now impossible
(c) it means the work force has to double
(d) it slows work down

9. What do the Montsou miners do to the Jean-Bart mine?
(a) nothing
(b) they destroy it
(c) they flood it
(d) they burn it

10. What is one of the mines left working after the strike has spread?
(a) Voreiux
(b) Jean-Bart
(c) Utopedia
(d) Tappier-Jack

11. What does Etienne see Jeanlin do?
(a) burn the store
(b) steal food
(c) kill the young soldier
(d) kill Chaval

12. What does Etienne talk about with his new friend?
(a) their families and homes
(b) girlfriends
(c) the war
(d) the strike

13. What do the Montsu miners do after they are finished at the Jean-Bart mine?
(a) head to the Hennebeaus
(b) go home
(c) tear down Deneulin's house
(d) go to other mines

14. When is the provident fund started by Etienne empty?
(a) in January
(b) by December
(c) by March
(d) by November

15. Why does Lantier set up a meeting with the miners?
(a) to end the strike
(b) to decide what to do
(c) to distribute food
(d) to encourage them

Short Answer Questions

1. Of what does Lantier try to convince Deneulin?

2. What has come to Montsou because of the strike?

3. What do the miners demand of Mr. Hennebeau?

4. How does Etienne help Jeanlin?

5. What happens to Maigrat when he runs from the miners?

(see the answer keys)

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