Germinal Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Germinal Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From what hereditary disease does Etienne suffer?
(a) alcoholism
(b) weak bones
(c) Huntingdon
(d) diabetes

2. How is Chaval feeling about the relationship between Catherine and Etienne?
(a) indifferent
(b) happy
(c) extremely jealous
(d) enraged

3. How does Léon Grégoire make his money?
(a) he's a banker
(b) from the mine profits
(c) he's a trader
(d) from the grocery store

4. What happens with the provident fund?
(a) Etienne steals from it
(b) it grows quickly
(c) it grows slowly
(d) it never gets off the ground

5. What does Lantier think he must do to save Catherine?
(a) run away with her
(b) tell her parents about Chaval
(c) ask her to marry him
(d) get rid of Chaval

6. Where does La Maheude go to ask for help?
(a) the bank
(b) the Grégoires
(c) the priest
(d) the charity center

7. How do the visitors feel about the Maheu children?
(a) they are delightful
(b) they are funny
(c) they are stupid
(d) they are frightful

8. What does Etienne create with advice from his friend Pluchart?
(a) a new way to hew
(b) a new system of managment
(c) a workers' union
(d) a new pay system

9. What is one of the reasons Etienne thinks he might be working in the mine?
(a) he likes to mine coal
(b) he's drawn to Catherine
(c) he enjoys being underground
(d) he wants to own a coal mine

10. What does Chaval do as Etienne is getting ready to kiss Catherine?
(a) hits Etienne
(b) slips between them
(c) pulls Catherine away
(d) dumps water on Etienne

11. About what do Etienne and Souvarine talk?
(a) escaping the mines and going to Paris
(b) how to make money
(c) the future of the workers
(d) how to be a good hewer

12. Why is Bonnemort delaying his retirement?
(a) he wants to keep his grandchildren safe
(b) he has too many children to feed
(c) to earn more money for retirement
(d) he likes working

13. What does the grocer want in order to help La Maheude?
(a) La Maheude to work for him
(b) Catherine to come to the store
(c) La Maheude to sleep with him
(d) one of La Maheude's family heirlooms

14. Why do the activist miners say they have decided to leave the Advantage?
(a) it's too small
(b) too many management types
(c) because of warm beer and bad soup
(d) the police hang out there

15. How old is Etienne Lantier?
(a) about 18
(b) about 30
(c) about 40
(d) about 21

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the mining settlement called where the novel takes place?

2. Who brings in friends from Paris to see the mining town?

3. What does Deneulin ask of Gregoire?

4. Who is Zacharie?

5. What type of work does Bonnemort do for the mine?

(see the answer keys)

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