Germinal Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

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Germinal Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part V: Chapter 1-6.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do the supervisors fine the Maheu team?
(a) for stopping work before lunch
(b) for talking too much
(c) for not meeting the daily quota
(d) for faulty timbering

2. Why does Bonnemort go outside to cough when the visitors are there?
(a) so they don't know he's sick
(b) so he won't get anything on them
(c) so he won't scare them
(d) so he won't be embarrassed

3. From what hereditary disease does Etienne suffer?
(a) diabetes
(b) Huntingdon
(c) alcoholism
(d) weak bones

4. During the last part of the strike what are many of the miners' children doing?
(a) destroying the town
(b) vandalizing the managers' homes
(c) attacking the rich children
(d) looking for activities that will feed them

5. Who comes to the Maheu house with food for the family?
(a) Jeanlin
(b) Bonnemort
(c) Jacques
(d) Catherine

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Souvarine think is the solution to the miners' problems?

2. Why do the miners follow Lantier as a leader?

3. Who is waiting for the Jean-Bart miners when they exit the mine?

4. Why was Etienne fired from his previous job?

5. How many members of the Maheu family work in the mines?

(see the answer key)

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