Germinal Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

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Germinal Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part II: Chapter 1-5.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did the Grégoires refuse to help the miners?
(a) they are almost broke themselves
(b) they believe the miners spend their money unwisely
(c) they hate poor people
(d) they believe God doesn't want them to

2. What does the grocer want in order to help La Maheude?
(a) La Maheude to work for him
(b) Catherine to come to the store
(c) La Maheude to sleep with him
(d) one of La Maheude's family heirlooms

3. Why would visitors come to the mining village?
(a) they're related to some mine investors
(b) they want to see how poor people live
(c) they are related to Mrs. Hennebeau
(d) they aren't wealthy enough for Paris

4. For what is Etienne hired?
(a) as a horse tender
(b) as a loader
(c) as a carpenter
(d) as a hewer

5. Why does Bonnemort go outside to cough when the visitors are there?
(a) so he won't get anything on them
(b) so he won't be embarrassed
(c) so they don't know he's sick
(d) so he won't scare them

Short Answer Questions

1. From what hereditary disease does Etienne suffer?

2. What is one of the reasons Etienne thinks he might be working in the mine?

3. Where does Etienne Lantier arrive the night at the beginning of the novel?

4. Why does Etienne Lantier go for a walk?

5. How many grandchildren does Bonnemort have?

(see the answer key)

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