George Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Alex Gino
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

George Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Alex Gino
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 6: Chapter XI ("Invitations") and Chapter XII ("Melissa Goes to the Zoo").

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter X, "Transformations," how do Melissa's classmates react to her surprise performance?
(a) They make fun of her and call her a "girl."
(b) They do not seem to really notice the switch.
(c) They immediately go get Ms. Udell.
(d) Some think she is doing something wrong, but most are supportive.

2. In Chapter XII, "Melissa Goes to the Zoo," why does Melissa not tell her mother about her and Kelly's plan?
(a) Her mother already told her that she is not allowed to wear girls' clothing.
(b) She is not sure that her mother is on her side.
(c) She thinks that her mother is not ready for her to take such a big step.
(d) Her mother already thinks that Kelly is a troublemaker.

3. In Chapter V, "Auditions," what lie does Melissa (George) tell her mother?
(a) That she will be in charge of the stage crew.
(b) That she got the part of Charlotte.
(c) That she got the part of Wilbur.
(d) That she did not audition.

4. In Chapter XII, "Melissa Goes to the Zoo," why does Melissa ride so slowly to Kelly's house?
(a) She is very early.
(b) She is exhausted from all of the excitement.
(c) She is trying to wait until Kelly's dad leaves for work.
(d) She is nervous.

5. In Chapter IV, "Anticipation," what makes Melissa (George) giggle frantically?
(a) Kelly says that Melissa does not actually want to be a girl.
(b) Jeff trips over his own foot.
(c) Kelly has spaghetti stuck in her hair.
(d) The recess supervisor takes away Jeff's phone.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter IV, "Anticipation," who supervises the children at recess?

2. Chapter VI, "Taken," starts with what event that disrupts the usual household routine?

3. At the beginning of Chapter II, "Charlotte Dies," what makes Melissa cry in class?

4. In Chapter X, "Transformations," Melissa's mother is described as walking "brusquely" (161). How was she walking?

5. On page 56 of Chapter IV, "Anticipation," readers are told that one character is "a short, wrinkly prune of a woman with poofy gray hair." What technique is being used, here?

(see the answer key)

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