George Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Alex Gino
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

George Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Alex Gino
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 3: Chapter V ("Auditions") and Chapter VI ("Taken").

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter I, "Secrets," what does Melissa (George) think about the girls in the magazine?
(a) They do not seem very nice.
(b) They are too thin.
(c) They are her friends.
(d) They should have more clothes on.

2. Which is the best description of Kelly's room?
(a) Not at all reflective of Kelly's personality.
(b) A huge contrast to the main room.
(c) Nearly bare.
(d) Surprisingly fancy and luxurious.

3. Which of Melissa's (George's) classmates used to be her friend but is now one of the bullies?
(a) Rick.
(b) Avery.
(c) Kelly.
(d) Jeff.

4. In Chapter VI, "Taken," there is a scene that reminds readers of what earlier scene?
(a) Scott teaching Melissa about Kelly being her girlfriend in Chapter V, "Auditions."
(b) Melissa's mother preparing chocolate milk for her in Chapter III, "Acting Is Just Pretend."
(c) Kelly taking pictures in Chapter III, "Acting Is Just Pretend."
(d) Melissa arriving home from school and trying to open the door in Chapter I, "Secrets."

5. In Chapter II, "Charlotte Dies," what silly name does Kelly give herself?
(a) Kelly the All-Wonderful and All-Knowing.
(b) Zoot.
(c) Templeton.
(d) Kelly the Fabulous Fourth Grader.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter IV, "Anticipation," why does Melissa (George) not agree to practice at lunch?

2. In Chapter V, "Auditions," what does Melissa (George) notice about the girls' auditions?

3. In Chapter VI, "Taken," why does Ms. Udell call Melissa (George) up to her desk?

4. In Chapter II, "Charlotte Dies," what good news does Kelly have for Melissa (George)?

5. Chapter VI, "Taken," starts with what event that disrupts the usual household routine?

(see the answer key)

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