George Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Alex Gino
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

George Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Alex Gino
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 3: Chapter V ("Auditions") and Chapter VI ("Taken").

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter III, ("Acting Is Just Pretend"), what do readers learn that Melissa's (George's) mother is opposed to?
(a) Scott dating.
(b) Makeup.
(c) Texting at the dinner table.
(d) Eating meat.

2. In Chapter II, "Charlotte Dies," what does the teacher tell Jeff and Rick?
(a) They are terrible people.
(b) They need to just humor "George."
(c) They need to stop disturbing the class.
(d) Death is serious.

3. In Chapter V, "Auditions," what happens when Melissa (George) gets up to get a dictionary?
(a) She gets in trouble for getting out of her seat.
(b) Jeff and Rick say something mean to her.
(c) She overhears a part of Kelly's audition.
(d) Jeff trips her.

4. In Chapter IV, "Anticipation," what is Ms. Udell's response to Melissa's (George's) choice to not share her journal entry with the class?
(a) She takes the journal and reads aloud from it herself.
(b) She says that Melissa will have to share tomorrow.
(c) She fails Melissa on the assignment.
(d) She says it is fine for journals to be private.

5. In Chapter II, "Charlotte Dies," what does Kelly say about her father?
(a) Just like her Uncle Bill, she believes he has stage fright.
(b) She thinks he is different from other artists.
(c) He hates surprises.
(d) He is weird.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter VI, "Taken," who ends up getting the role of Charlotte?

2. What does Melissa (George) try to tell Kelly in Chapter III, ("Acting Is Just Pretend")?

3. What does Melissa (George) call Kelly's dad?

4. At the beginning of Chapter II, "Charlotte Dies," we are told that Melissa (George) rubs her eyes until "rows and rows of tiny triangles twirled and twinkled in the darkness" (Gino 11). What technique is being used here?

5. Which is the best description of Melissa's (George's) school?

(see the answer key)

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