George Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Alex Gino
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

George Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Alex Gino
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 4: Chapter VII ("Time Drags When You're Miserable") and Chapter VII ("Some Jerk").

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of creature is Charlotte, from Charlotte's Web?
(a) A rat.
(b) A pig.
(c) A goose.
(d) A spider.

2. In the beginning of Chapter VII, "Time Drags When You're Miserable," who does Melissa sit with at lunch on Thursday?
(a) Ms. Udell.
(b) Kelly.
(c) Maddy and Emma.
(d) Jeff and Rick.

3. In Chapter IV, "Anticipation," Kelly uses the expression "al dente." What does this expression translate as?
(a) In front of.
(b) Dented.
(c) Quickly.
(d) To the tooth.

4. What detail of dinner in Chapter III, ("Acting Is Just Pretend"), shows how thoughtful Melissa's (George's) mother is about her happiness?
(a) The un-toasted hot dog bun.
(b) The cut up hot dog.
(c) The extra serving of beans.
(d) The ice cream waiting by Melissa's plate after her bath.

5. In Chapter IV, "Anticipation," what does Kelly criticize at lunchtime?
(a) Her father.
(b) The noise of the other students.
(c) The food.
(d) Ms. Udell.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter VIII, "Some Jerk," what does Rick do when Jeff is about to punch Melissa?

2. In Chapter VIII, "Some Jerk," what does Jeff accuse Rick of being?

3. Chapter VI, "Taken," starts with what event that disrupts the usual household routine?

4. In Chapter VI, "Taken," how does Melissa's (George's) mother say she found the bag of magazines?

5. How does Melissa's (George's) class travel through the school?

(see the answer key)

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