George Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Alex Gino
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

George Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Alex Gino
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 5: Chapter IX ("Dinner at Arnie's") and Chapter X ("Transformations").

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter IV, "Anticipation," why does Melissa (George) not agree to practice at lunch?
(a) She is having second thoughts about trying out for Charlotte.
(b) She is angry at Kelly.
(c) She does not want people to overhear.
(d) She is afraid that someone will tell Ms. Udell.

2. In Chapter X, "Transformations," the narrator describes Templeton as gathering "sesquipedalian" words (156). What are "sesquipedalian" words?
(a) Long words.
(b) Made-up words.
(c) Insults.
(d) Words that are hard to pronounce.

3. In Chapter V, "Auditions," what happens when Melissa (George) gets up to get a dictionary?
(a) Jeff and Rick say something mean to her.
(b) Jeff trips her.
(c) She overhears a part of Kelly's audition.
(d) She gets in trouble for getting out of her seat.

4. In the beginning of Chapter X, "Transformations," what does Jeff do to show his anger at Melissa?
(a) Kills a spider in front of her.
(b) Makes fun of her in front of the class.
(c) Punches her again.
(d) Spits at her.

5. In Chapter IV, "Anticipation," what are Maddy, Emma, and the other girls doing at recess?
(a) Rehearsing their auditions.
(b) Talking about a television show.
(c) Imitating Melissa and Kelly.
(d) Looking at Jeff's phone.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter X, "Transformations," what is Melissa looking for as she says Charlotte's last words?

2. In Chapter X, "Transformations," what is the first thing that Melissa does when she climbs down from the ladder?

3. In Chapter X, "Transformations," Melissa's mother is described as walking "brusquely" (161). How was she walking?

4. In Chapter III, ("Acting Is Just Pretend"), what do readers learn that Melissa's (George's) mother is opposed to?

5. In the beginning of Chapter IX, "Dinner at Arnie's," what does Melissa worry about when she is looking in the mirror?

(see the answer key)

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