Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World Test | Final Test - Medium

Jack Weatherford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World Test | Final Test - Medium

Jack Weatherford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is a paiza?
(a) A tablet worn on a chain that identified the level of a traveler.
(b) An article of clothing incorporated from the Chinese culture.
(c) A brand of drink popular with Khubilai.
(d) The type of saddle merchants used for their mounts.

2. What did Khubilai change his name to in 1264?
(a) Zhiyuan, or Chih-yuan.
(b) Arik Boke.
(c) Khubilai Khan.
(d) The Great Khan.

3. Who was Shiremun?
(a) Ogodei's biggest critic.
(b) Ogodei's favorite grandson.
(c) Ogodei's biggest rival.
(d) Ogodei's favorite son.

4. What was life in Xanadu, during 1332?
(a) Alarming and painful.
(b) Quiet and tranquil.
(c) Introspective and intellectual.
(d) Boisterous and energetic.

5. How many schools are recorded as being created during the reign of Khubilai Khan?
(a) 20,166.
(b) 31,545.
(c) 5,434
(d) 10,542.

Short Answer Questions

1. When did Sokhokhtani die?

2. Of all the cultures the Mongols worked with, who had the most advanced pharmacology?

3. Where did Hulegu rule during Khubilai's reign?

4. In 1263, Khubilai began the construction of what important building?

5. Which faith did Ogodei fail to build a house for?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did the people of the city-states of Russia interpret the victory of the Mongols?

2. What was special about the mare's milk for Khubilai and his court?

3. What three inventions did Francis Bacon recognize as the foundation of modern world? Why is this important?

4. What was in the tea Khubilai drank the morning after a long night of celebration, and what did it do?

5. How did the Mongols adapt the Chinese printing practices?

6. How did the Mongols keep numerical track of everything they obtained?

7. What was the first book written in English, and what did it say about Genghis Khan?

8. What geographically hindered the Mongols from full victory in Europe?

9. Why and how did the Mongols promote education in China?

10. What happened to the slaves sold to the Italians by the Mongols? Where did they come from and what would they do in a short twenty years?

(see the answer keys)

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