Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World Test | Final Test - Easy

Jack Weatherford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World Test | Final Test - Easy

Jack Weatherford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the Mongol women do while the men were on the battlefield?
(a) Managed the empire.
(b) Traveled with the men.
(c) Kept the home.
(d) Drank with Ogodei.

2. Of all the cultures the Mongols worked with, who had the most advanced pharmacology?
(a) The Chinese.
(b) The Europeans.
(c) The Persians.
(d) The Indians.

3. What animal did the plague bacterium live in?
(a) Rats.
(b) Humans.
(c) Fleas.
(d) Horses.

4. What year did Ogodei die?
(a) 1244.
(b) 1247.
(c) 1239.
(d) 1241.

5. Who wrote Decameron?
(a) Leon Battista Alberti.
(b) Giovanni Boccaccio.
(c) Poggio Bracciolini.
(d) Cardinal Basilios Bessarion.

6. What land did Subodei wish to invade, when he was about sixty?
(a) Persia.
(b) Europe.
(c) China.
(d) India.

7. What happened to the consensual councils in China, after the Mongols were no longer in power?
(a) The Chineese kept having daily meetings, but a councilor made all the decisions.
(b) They disappeared.
(c) The Chinese changed the daily meetings, but kept consensus voting.
(d) They stayed exactly the same.

8. How did Jebe and Subodei lead the raid into Georgia?
(a) The Dog Fight strategy.
(b) The Flaming Rain strategy.
(c) The Bursting Star strategy.
(d) The Arrow Waterfall strategy.

9. What year did Persia fall from the Mongol rule?
(a) 1335.
(b) 1345.
(c) 1315.
(d) 1325.

10. Who called the first khuriltai after Guyuk died?
(a) Oghul Ghaimish.
(b) Batu Khan.
(c) Sorhokhtani.
(d) Mongke.

11. What year did the assigned person present Khubilai with an alphabet that could write all the languages in the world?
(a) 1264.
(b) 1271.
(c) 12775.
(d) 1269.

12. What year did China fall from Mongol rule?
(a) 1378.
(b) 1388.
(c) 1368.
(d) 1358.

13. How many tons of goods did the Mongols move in 1329?
(a) 100,000 tons.
(b) 150,000 tons.
(c) 210,000 tons.
(d) 327,000 tons.

14. How did Guyuk die?
(a) Nobody knows.
(b) He was killed by Sorkhokhtani.
(c) He was killed by a warring tribe.
(d) He was killed by his own torture methods.

15. What name did the family of Genghis Khan take around the summer of 1229?
(a) The Great Family.
(b) The Giant Family.
(c) The Golden Family.
(d) The Generous Family.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Khubilai send the heir of the Sung dynasty to study, so he would not rebel?

2. What is khubi?

3. In what way did the Mongols change the rank of a merchant?

4. Where was the first khuriltai called after Guyuk died?

5. How many people did Mongke execute within Ogodei's lineage?

(see the answer keys)

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