Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jack Weatherford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jack Weatherford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long did the joint campaign of Jochi and Chagahatai take?
(a) One month.
(b) Six months.
(c) Three months.
(d) One week.

2. What notable geographical area did Genghis Khan have to cross to get to the Jurched in 1211?
(a) The Gobi desert.
(b) The Nile river.
(c) The Hymalian mountains.
(d) The Caspian Sea.

3. When was Borte's first son born?
(a) 1179.
(b) 1182.
(c) 1177.
(d) 1184.

4. What was Temujin's first reaction when first reunited with Borte, as she grabbed his reigns?
(a) He accidentally ran her over with his horse.
(b) He almost attacked her.
(c) He attacked her.
(d) He recognized her right away and embraced her.

5. What is a deel?
(a) The traditional Mongol robe.
(b) The flints a soldier carries for fire.
(c) The saddle a Mongol rides upon.
(d) The canteens a soldier carries for water.

6. What is naadam?
(a) The traditional games of the Mongols.
(b) The traditional way of throat-singing of the Mongols.
(c) The traditional food of the Mongols.
(d) The traditional songs of the Mongols.

7. Which of the following was not a torture technique used by the famous Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa?
(a) Pulling limbs off prisoners in front of their comrades.
(b) Putting children in catapults.
(c) Waterboarding.
(d) Soldiers playing with severed heads like balls.

8. What is a khuriltai?
(a) A traditional Mongolian dress.
(b) A traditional Mongolian meal.
(c) A traditional Mongolian wedding.
(d) A traditional Mongolian council.

9. When Genghis Khan finally descended upon Khwarizm, how many Mongols did he have in his command?
(a) 200,000 - 215,000.
(b) 150,000 - 175,000.
(c) 100,000 - 125,000.
(d) 50,000 - 75,000.

10. What weapon did Temujin use to kill Ong Khan?
(a) Rumour.
(b) A sword.
(c) A knife.
(d) A spear.

11. As a child, what was Genghis Khan afraid of?
(a) Snakes.
(b) Heights.
(c) Dogs.
(d) The dark.

12. Genghis Khan attempted to teach his sons, "If you can't swallow your _____, you can't lead."
(a) Morals.
(b) Intellect.
(c) Pride.
(d) Ways.

13. What was Ong Khan doing as Temujin attacked him?
(a) Sleeping.
(b) Feasting.
(c) Standing guard.
(d) Preparing for battle.

14. What two parts did the Mongols divide the natural world into?
(a) Light and Dark.
(b) Right and wrong.
(c) Earth and sky.
(d) Black and white.

15. As a compromise, who was named successor to Genghis Khan?
(a) Tolui.
(b) Ogodei.
(c) Jochi.
(d) Chaghatai.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was Temujin descended from?

2. What does it mean for a Mongol to remove his sash or belt?

3. Previous to 1937, where was Genghis Khan's soul?

4. What is another name for a Spirit Banner?

5. Resulting from this third vow of brotherhood with Jamuka, what did Temujin need to learn how to do?

(see the answer keys)

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