Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jack Weatherford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jack Weatherford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For how long, after Genghis Khan's death, did his empire continue to grow?
(a) 50 years.
(b) 150 years.
(c) 200 years.
(d) 10 years.

2. Where did Temujin hide when he was raided by the Merkids?
(a) Downstream in the Kherlen River.
(b) The steppe.
(c) With Ong Khan.
(d) The forest of Mount Burkhan Khaldun.

3. Who was Mutugen?
(a) Ghengis Khan's favorite grand-son.
(b) Chaghatai's arch-nemesis.
(c) A leader of the Bamian.
(d) A leader of the Nishapur.

4. After his third vow of brotherhood with Jamuka, what did Temujin do?
(a) Merge his family with Jamuka.
(b) Took one of Jamuka's wives as his own.
(c) Make an alliance with Jamuka, but remain in the mountains.
(d) Immediately overthrew Jamuka.

5. Who prompted the break with Jamuka's clan in 1181?
(a) Hoelun.
(b) Temujin.
(c) Borte.
(d) The old woman of the tribe.

6. Which of the following was not carried by every soldier in the Mongol army?
(a) A lasso.
(b) A seing kit.
(c) A tent.
(d) Flints.

7. Who was Temujin descended from?
(a) Anda the Wise.
(b) Bodonchar the Fool.
(c) Khorkhonag the Mighty.
(d) Onon the Lame.

8. What did the Mongol officials demand from Korean subjects in 1221?
(a) 1,000 yards of silk.
(b) 100,000 sheets of paper.
(c) 100,00 yards of silk.
(d) 1,000 sheets of paper.

9. When was Genghis Khan born?
(a) 1162.
(b) 1142.
(c) 1152.
(d) 1172.

10. At its height, how expansive was the Mongol Empire?
(a) Approximatly 7 million square miles.
(b) 1 million yards.
(c) Between 11 and 12 million square miles.
(d) Exactly 900,000 square miles.

11. How did Plano di Carpini explain Genghis Khan's death?
(a) He said Genghis Khan was struck by lightning.
(b) He said Genghis Khan was killed by a magical spell.
(c) He said Genghis Khan was wounded by an arrow.
(d) He said Genghis Khan was poisoned.

12. When did Borte die?
(a) 1218.
(b) Between 1220 and 1223.
(c) Between 1219 and 1224
(d) 1225.

13. What notable geographical area did Genghis Khan have to cross to get to the Jurched in 1211?
(a) The Nile river.
(b) The Caspian Sea.
(c) The Gobi desert.
(d) The Hymalian mountains.

14. Who wrote "Kamil fi at-tarikh," also known as "The Complete History" or "The Perfect History?"
(a) Nihat Ergün.
(b) Abdüllatif Şener.
(c) Ibn al-Athir.
(d) Köprülü Fazıl Ahmed.

15. Who drove the Mongols out of power in India?
(a) The people of Pakistan.
(b) The Koreans.
(c) The people of India.
(d) The British.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was charged with the care of the Mongol homeland whilst Genghis Khan was campaigning in central Asia?

2. When was the final battle for control over Mongolia?

3. What does it mean for a Mongol to remove his sash or belt?

4. What year did the Jurched claim a new Golden Khan and demand the submission of Genghis Khan?

5. When Genghis Khan finally descended upon Khwarizm, how many Mongols did he have in his command?

(see the answer keys)

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