Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Jack Weatherford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Jack Weatherford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 3, War of the Khans.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What two parts did the Mongols divide the natural world into?
(a) Black and white.
(b) Earth and sky.
(c) Light and Dark.
(d) Right and wrong.

2. Where did Temujin hide when he was raided by the Merkids?
(a) With Ong Khan.
(b) The forest of Mount Burkhan Khaldun.
(c) Downstream in the Kherlen River.
(d) The steppe.

3. In the year 1203, Temujin wished to resolve his rivalry with Jamuka and clarify his position with Ong Khan by what means?
(a) Temujin asked Ong Khan to marry one of his daughters.
(b) Temujin asked Ong Khan to have the khan's daughter marry Temujin's son, Jochi.
(c) Temujin offered one of his daughters to Ong Khan as a wife.
(d) Temujin gave Ong Khan a beautiful sable fur.

4. What was the newly-named Genghis Khan's first new law?
(a) He legitimized all children.
(b) He gave all of his people religious freedom.
(c) He streamlined hunting rights.
(d) He forbade the kidnapping of women.

5. What is naadam?
(a) The traditional games of the Mongols.
(b) The traditional food of the Mongols.
(c) The traditional songs of the Mongols.
(d) The traditional way of throat-singing of the Mongols.

Short Answer Questions

1. Realizing he made a mistake in his refusal of Temujin, Ong Khan decided to do what?

2. Resulting from this third vow of brotherhood with Jamuka, what did Temujin need to learn how to do?

3. What does it mean for a Mongol to remove his sash or belt?

4. What year did Genghis Khan die?

5. Under the kinship hierarchy, what is each linage known by?

(see the answer key)

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