Generations Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Generations Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which person believed in psychic phenomena?
(a) Mary Todd Lincoln.
(b) Dorathea Dix.
(c) Cyrus McCormick.
(d) Mary Baker Eddy.

2. What is a Civic's style of leadership?
(a) Pragmatic, cautious.
(b) Process fixated, pluralistic.
(c) Righteous, austere.
(d) Grand, expansive.

3. What were the dates of the Missionary Awakening of the Great Power Cycle?
(a) 1885-1904.
(b) 1890-1905.
(c) 1884-1900.
(d) 1886-1903.

4. To which generation did Stonewall Jackson belong?
(a) Progressive.
(b) Reactionary.
(c) Transcendental.
(d) Gilded.

5. What is an Reactive's idea of God?
(a) He is truth.
(b) He is persuasion.
(c) He is love.
(d) He is power.

6. At the First Continental Congress, who proclaimed, "It is evil against right"?
(a) Michael Kammon.
(b) Joseph Hawley.
(c) Jonathan Parsons.
(d) William Molineux.

7. Who was not a sample member of the Lost generation of the Great Power Cycle?
(a) Earl Warren.
(b) Geroge Patton.
(c) Babe Ruth.
(d) Orville Wright.

8. For the Inner-Driven era, what are the years of post-elderhood?
(a) 1989-2005.
(b) 1985-2000.
(c) 1991-2003.
(d) 1990-2001.

9. Which was not an Awakening Era?
(a) Puritan Awakening.
(b) Colonial Awakening.
(c) Great Awakening.
(d) Boom Awakening.

10. Who was a prominent foreign peer of the Awakening Generation of the Revolutionary Cycle?
(a) Roger Sherman.
(b) John Wesley.
(c) John Witherspoon.
(d) Samson Occum.

11. Who was not a sample member of the G.I. generation of the Great Power Cycle?
(a) John Wayne.
(b) Walt Disney.
(c) J. Edgar Hoover.
(d) Bob Hope.

12. Who was not a political leader of the Boom generation during the Millennial Cycle?
(a) Jesse Jackson.
(b) Bill Bradley.
(c) Dan Quayle.
(d) William Bennett.

13. What is a Civic's style of leadership?
(a) Pragmatic, cautious.
(b) Righteous, austere.
(c) Process fixated, pluralistic.
(d) Grand, expansive.

14. Who had the scars of 499 British lashes on his back?
(a) Francis Marion.
(b) Daniel Morgan.
(c) George Prescott.
(d) Cecil Kenyon.

15. What is not a principal endowment of an Adaptive generation?
(a) Pluralism.
(b) Religion.
(c) Social Justice.
(d) Expertise.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which was not an Outer-Driven Era?

2. What rises steeply during Awakening eras?

3. What is not a principal endowment of a Reactive generation?

4. Who was not a prominent foreign peer of the Missionary generation of the Great Power Cycle?

5. Who said "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes"?

(see the answer keys)

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