Generations Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Generations Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For which seventeen year period did the SAT scores decline?
(a) 1964-1980.
(b) 1966-1082.
(c) 1961-1977.
(d) 1959-1975.

2. What triggered the Thirty Years War?
(a) Radical Protestantism throughout Europe.
(b) Radical Catholicism throughout Europe.
(c) Martin Luther's 95 Theses.
(d) Cromwell's Revolution.

3. What alternates between secular crises and spiritual awakenings?
(a) Corresponding idealism.
(b) Interactive critcal events.
(c) Generational phases.
(d) Social Moments.

4. What is it called when society focuses on changing the inner world of values and private behavior?
(a) Spiritual awakening.
(b) Consciousness Revolution.
(c) Secular crisis.
(d) Social moment.

5. Who was a rising-adult leader during the Glorious Revolution crisis?
(a) Sir Walter Raleigh.
(b) Francis Bacon.
(c) Thomas Jefferson.
(d) Cotton Mather.

6. What are the birth dates for the Reformation generation?
(a) 1480-1510.
(b) 1483-1509.
(c) 1485-1515.
(d) 1482-1511.

7. Who said "This is the greatest week in the history of mankind since the Creation"?
(a) Richard Nixon.
(b) Anthony Lewis.
(c) Douglas MacArthur.
(d) John Kennedy.

8. When did Charles I take England's throne?
(a) 1631.
(b) 1630.
(c) 1628.
(d) 1629.

9. At what age does the book Passages suggest a midlife crisis?
(a) 38-42.
(b) 42-46.
(c) 35-40.
(d) 40-44.

10. Where does the cohort group fall in a typical table with age on the vertical axis and calendar year on the horizontal axis?
(a) On the vertical.
(b) On the horizontal.
(c) As an ellipse.
(d) On the diagonal.

11. What did George Bush do during WWII?
(a) He was an Army Ranger.
(b) He was an Air Force figher pilot.
(c) He was a Marine fighter pilot.
(d) He was a Navy fighter pilot.

12. What is the range of the cohort lengths of all seventeen completed American generations?
(a) 19-35.
(b) 10-25.
(c) 15-30.
(d) 17-33.

13. What answer is not a generational type?
(a) Reactive.
(b) Adpative.
(c) Idealist.
(d) Millennialist.

14. What is the central role of rising adulthood?
(a) Stewardship.
(b) Dependence.
(c) Leadership.
(d) Activity.

15. How do midlife generations tend to raise current generations?
(a) With little or no direction, letting the children raise themselves.
(b) According to the latest child rearing experts.
(c) In the same manner in which they themselves were raised.
(d) In a manner opposite to that in which they themselves were raised.

Short Answer Questions

1. What year was the Apollo moon landing?

2. Who wrote Exile's Return?

3. In each constellation, what do the peer personalities each possess?

4. To propel the generational cycle in the authors' proposed manner, how must a secular crisis end?

5. When this book was written, what age comprised America's most Republican leaning bracket?

(see the answer keys)

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