Geek Love Test | Final Test - Medium

Katherine Dunn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Geek Love Test | Final Test - Medium

Katherine Dunn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which family member has taken full control over the rest of the family?
(a) Chick.
(b) Arty.
(c) Oly.
(d) The twins.

2. Who does the twins' pimp threaten to tell about their business?
(a) Oly.
(b) Arty.
(c) Chick.
(d) The Binewski parents.

3. Throughout his life, what does Arty call his mother?
(a) Lil.
(b) Crazy.
(c) Boss.
(d) Mama.

4. Where is the first place that the Bag Man takes his children after kidnapping them?
(a) The Binewski circus.
(b) Disneyland.
(c) The ocean.
(d) Church.

5. Who is Norval Sanderson?
(a) The twins' piano teacher.
(b) A journalist.
(c) Oly's romantic interest.
(d) The new giant cat trainer.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who kills Mumpo?

2. Who saves the family's memorabilia?

3. Who does Arty betroth to the Bag Man?

4. Who kills Elly?

5. Which character does Norval Sanderson give his missing body part to as a gift?

Short Essay Questions

1. How has Miss Lick gotten the video footage of Miranda?

2. How does Oly kill Miss Lick?

3. What is the Bag Man's physicality and method of communication?

4. How does Oly's relationship with Miss Lick begin to change in a way that Oly wasn't expecting?

5. Explain the process of tithing in Arturism and the significance of calling this process "tithing."

6. Why did Dr. Phyllis deny the twins what they were asking for?

7. What does Norval report the followers are doing to survive, and how does Arty address this issue?

8. How does Chick react to the scene in the twins' van?

9. What is the Transcendental Maggot booth?

10. What body part does Norval Sanderson gift to Arty, and what are the stories surrounding this body part?

(see the answer keys)

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