Geek Love Test | Final Test - Easy

Katherine Dunn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Geek Love Test | Final Test - Easy

Katherine Dunn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jessica H aspire to be?
(a) A teacher.
(b) An artist.
(c) A mother.
(d) An astronaunt.

2. Who is Jonathan Tomaini?
(a) A follower of the new religion.
(b) Oly's romantic interest.
(c) A journalist.
(d) The twins' piano teacher.

3. How old are the twins when they move into their own van?
(a) Twenty-one.
(b) The twins never move.
(c) Eighteen.
(d) Sixteen.

4. Which family member has taken full control over the rest of the family?
(a) The twins.
(b) Arty.
(c) Chick.
(d) Oly.

5. Whose lengthy quotes are used to supplement information for the scrapbook collection of chapter 19?
(a) The Bag Man's.
(b) Oly's.
(c) Arty's.
(d) Chick's.

6. Who does the twins' pimp threaten to tell about their business?
(a) Arty.
(b) Oly.
(c) The Binewski parents.
(d) Chick.

7. Whose writings compose chapter 19?
(a) Norval Sanderson.
(b) Oly.
(c) Arty.
(d) The Bag Man.

8. Whose decision is it to send Miranda to the convent?
(a) Chick's.
(b) Lil's.
(c) Arty's.
(d) Oly's.

9. Who does Arty ask Oly to remain faithful to?
(a) To her love interest.
(b) To the family.
(c) To him.
(d) To herself.

10. How does Miss Lick die?
(a) She does not die.
(b) She suffocates on the poison in the steam room tubes.
(c) Oly shoots her.
(d) She drowns in the pool.

11. What does Arty purchase for the followers of the new religion?
(a) New tents.
(b) Unlimited tickets to the show.
(c) A food van.
(d) Religious texts.

12. What do the twins lose almost immediately after moving out?
(a) Their virginity.
(b) Their minds.
(c) Their keys.
(d) Their puppy.

13. Why does Horst request large amputated limbs?
(a) To eat.
(b) For his personal collection.
(c) To feed to the giant cats.
(d) For the Transcendental Maggot Booth.

14. To what does Miss Lick compare the women that are her "projects"?
(a) Dreams.
(b) Dogs.
(c) Children.
(d) Freaks.

15. Who does Chick help become pregnant?
(a) The twins.
(b) Oly.
(c) Lil.
(d) Miss Lick.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old is Miranda when Arty first visits her?

2. What is it called when one of the Admitted gives a part of themselves to the religion?

3. Who saves Oly and Crystal Lil?

4. Why was the Bag Man released from jail?

5. What do the twins want when they visit Dr. Phyllis?

(see the answer keys)

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