Geek Love Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Katherine Dunn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Geek Love Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Katherine Dunn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Leona, the girl with the alligator tail?
(a) A Binewski child who died.
(b) Arty's love interest.
(c) A performer in a rival circus.
(d) Oly's imaginary friend.

2. What sick animal does Arty give to the twins for their 14th birthday?
(a) A cat..
(b) A cow.
(c) A horse.
(d) A dog.

3. What do Al and Lil believe about their children?
(a) That the more freakish they are, the more valuable.
(b) That the more freakish they are, the less valuable.
(c) That the ones born "normal" bring them equal joy.
(d) That they hope they will one day live normal lives.

4. How do the rest of the children respond to Dr. Phyllis' new position?
(a) They dislike it.
(b) They are ecstatic.
(c) They are apathetic.
(d) They never find out.

5. Chick explains to Arty that he can feel things that normal people cannot. What is one thing that Chick says he can feel?
(a) Truth.
(b) Love.
(c) Death.
(d) Mystery.

6. What did Dr. Phyllis believe was implanted in her abdomen while she was in medical school?
(a) A tumor.
(b) A fetus.
(c) A monitoring device.
(d) A camera.

7. What does Arty ask Chick to make for him, knowing that it will be a difficult task for Chick to complete?
(a) A sculpture honoring Arty's superiority.
(b) A roast beef sandwich.
(c) An origami hat.
(d) A hand-sewn circus tent.

8. What does Arty begin predicting in his act in an attempt to draw larger crowds?
(a) The end of the world.
(b) Weather.
(c) Futures.
(d) Lottery numbers.

9. Miranda reveals that she has recently been approached by a woman named Miss Lick with an interesting offer to make money. What does Miranda have to do in this deal?
(a) Research the history of the Binewski family.
(b) Spy on Crystal Lil.
(c) Perform as a Geek in the circus.
(d) Have her tail removed.

10. How does Arty make Oly feel in relation to the family?
(a) That she is the glue holding the family together.
(b) That she isn't as desirable as the rest of the children.
(c) That she is the most valuable child.
(d) That she is the most freakish.

11. How does Arty imply that Leona dies?
(a) She was eaten by the giant cats.
(b) She drown.
(c) She was poisoned.
(d) He killed her.

12. Who does Iphy announce that she wishes to marry someday?
(a) Al.
(b) Chick.
(c) Horst.
(d) Arty.

13. When Oly arrives home after visiting Miranda's work, what is she worried about that prevents her from falling asleep?
(a) Her own pride.
(b) The nightmares that plague her.
(c) Miranda's safety traveling home from work.
(d) The police coming to arrest her.

14. What sport does Oly take up in order to get closer to Miss Lick?
(a) Swimming.
(b) Badminton.
(c) Wrestling.
(d) Softball.

15. Which family member does the adult Oly live with?
(a) Her father.
(b) Her mother.
(c) Her sister.
(d) Her brother.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Al regularly take Chick into town?

2. What does Miranda ask Oly to do for her?

3. What is Oly's father training her to do for the circus?

4. What does Dr. Phyllis take over that was initially Al's job?

5. What is the name of the establishment where Miranda works?

(see the answer keys)

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