A Gathering of Old Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Gathering of Old Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did the fight start between Fix and Mathu?
(a) Mathu stared at Fix as he was drinking a Coke.
(b) Fix took a Coke without paying for it.
(c) Fix took Mathu's Coke from him.
(d) It started over a Coke bottle.

2. Why did Snookum not get along with Reverend Jameson?
(a) The Reverend didn't like Snookum begging for food.
(b) The Reverend thought Snookum cheated at marbles.
(c) The Reverend thought Snookum should be in church more.
(d) The Reverend thought Snookum was the murderer.

3. What does Snookum see at Mathu's house?
(a) Corrine in her kitchen eating.
(b) A dead body.
(c) Rufe hoeing in his garden.
(d) Reverend Jameson standing over a body.

4. What did the men begin saying one at a time?
(a) How much they each hated Beau.
(b) That they would never leave.
(c) That they were hungry.
(d) They each confessed to the murder of Beau.

5. When Miss Merle arrives at Mathu's house, what is the first thing that happens?
(a) Lou Dimes confesses to the murder.
(b) Mathu fires at the car.
(c) Candy confesses to the murder.
(d) Snookum finally gets something to eat.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why do Mat and Chimley fish only in one small spot?

2. Where did Coot's all-colored regiment train?

3. Who baked the apple pie?

4. Why did Billy miss when he shot at the rabbit?

5. How many miles did Lou drive from Baron rouge to Marshall?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why did Jacob feel bad about the death of his sister Tessie when he had nothing to do with her murder?

2. What was the goal of Reverend Jameson?

3. Who was Tucker's brother and what was the battle that brought man against machine?

4. What is the significance of Janey scolding Snookum to call Candy "Miss Candy" and Lou "Mr. Lou?"

5. What was Johnny Paul talking about when he talked to Mapes about what he couldn't see?

6. What color was the dress Corrine wore and the color of the bedspread used to cover the body? Why is this important?

7. Why did Mapes respect Mathu?

8. What was the significance of empty number five shells?

9. Why did Cherry talk about the fields of cane? What are the fields of cane a symbol of for Cherry's people?

10. What was the significance of the argument between Mat and his wife?

(see the answer keys)

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