A Gathering of Old Men Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Gathering of Old Men Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How old is Charlie?
(a) 50
(b) 70
(c) 60
(d) 30

2. Who gets "winged?"
(a) Mathu.
(b) Snookum.
(c) Leroy, one of Luke Will's men.
(d) Lou.

3. What did Mathu ask Snookum to get from the house when the sandwiches came?
(a) Ice water.
(b) Beer.
(c) Plates and forks.
(d) More guns.

4. What did Lou tell Mapes when he crawled over to him?
(a) "We have to move you."
(b) "You're hit."
(c) "Your deputy resigned."
(d) "You're in the way."

5. What did Fix do when Gil did not agree with him?
(a) Fix had his gang run Gil out of town.
(b) Fix did not speak to Gil inside the house.
(c) Fix insisted that Gil raise Beau's son.
(d) Fix banished Gil from the house.

6. After talking on the radio, Mapes makes an announcement to the group. What news does he share?
(a) That Luke Will and a lynch mob are coming.
(b) That Mathu is wanted in two other states for crimes there.
(c) That Fix is not coming.
(d) That Mapes fired his deputy.

7. Why were the old black men going to the back of the house one at a time?
(a) To use the outhouse.
(b) To see if Charlie was there.
(c) To check on Mathu.
(d) To get some food.

8. What does Snookum say that almost gives away Candy's entire plan?
(a) Snookum says he wants some ice water or he will tell Mapes who shot Beau.
(b) Snookum says Gram Mon wants a second sandwich because she was cooking dinner when someone shot Beau.
(c) Snookum says that Candy promised him sandwiches if he would keep his mouth shut.
(d) Snookum says he wants another sandwich because Candy didn't give him anything to run and get everybody.

9. Once the old men are in the field, what do they do?
(a) They hide in the swamps.
(b) They spead out, rise up and hoop and then fire at Luke Will and his gang.
(c) They lay low and stay quiet.
(d) They are confused and don't know what to do next.

10. Who in the store (bar) thinks that the police should handle the murder?
(a) Robert.
(b) Jack Marshall
(c) The quiet professor.
(d) Tee Jack.

11. What phrase does Charlie keep saying over and over again?
(a) I killed Beau.
(b) I need a better house.
(c) I need a tractor to work in the fields.
(d) I'm a man.

12. Who gets shot and cannot move from his position?
(a) Lou Dimes.
(b) Candy.
(c) Luke Will.
(d) Mapes.

13. What did Miss Merle bring?
(a) More guns.
(b) Four more men.
(c) More empty shells.
(d) Sandwiches in baskets.

14. What group was there to defend Luke Will's friends?
(a) The Klans.
(b) Candy's uncle.
(c) Lou Dimes.
(d) NAACP.

15. How did Candy's mother and father die?
(a) In a plane crash.
(b) In a car wreck.
(c) Of natural causes.
(d) Working in the fields.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Mathu look down on all the other old black men?

2. What has Charlie done his whole life until today?

3. Where is Snookum when Lou notices him?

4. When Luke Will ran out of shells, what did Charlie offer?

5. Who did Luke Will say was in charge?

(see the answer keys)

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