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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. How many children does Alexandros father by the age of twenty?
2. How does Leonidas appear to Xerxes in his dream?
3. For what valor in battle is Rooster offered new status as mothax?
4. What is Xeones' proof that he was there, and not that he simply heard of it?
5. Why is Xerxes having trouble sleeping?
Short Essay Questions
1. Explain what the author means when he calls the 300 an all-sire unit.
2. What factors push the Spartans into a decisive battle with the Persians?
3. Describe the Medes who first entered battle with the Greeks.
4. Describe what the Persians do to the body of the Spartan king, Leonidas.
5. Where has Xeones seen Xerxes before he is brought into his tent?
6. What does Arete offer Xeones? What is Xeones' response?
7. What disturbs Xerxes, the Persian king?
8. Why does Xerxes trust Xeones?
9. Why do the Spartans decide to send only 300 men?
10. Describe the first day of battle.
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
In ancient Greece, just like many other ancient civilizations, crimes were punished much more severely than they are now. Many crimes involving stealing would result in losing a hand, or having the hands crippled. Have students write an essay answering the following questions:
1. What are these kinds of punishments no longer in use? What caused them to be discontinued in the Western world?
2. Are these kinds of punishments still in use today? If they are, then where, and why?
3. Do you feel that capital and corporal punishment is appropriate punishment for most crimes? Why or why not?
Essay Topic 2
The Spartans hold a unique view of war and enemies. Explain the Spartan view of war and their enemies. Compare and contrast this view to the views of other ancient warrior civilizations.
Essay Topic 3
For the first day of the battle, the Greeks are able to fend off several attacks that, simply by the number of soldiers, should have crushed them. All the way to the bitter end, the Greeks are able to inflict great damage on the army of Persia. Describe the strategies used by the Greeks, from the first crossing of arms to the last.
This section contains 957 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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