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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Who is Xeones' sparring partner?
(a) Alexandros is Xeones' sparring partner.
(b) Xerxes is Xeones' sparring partner.
(c) Polynikes is Xeones' sparring partner.
(d) Rooster is Xeones' sparring partner.
2. What is the name of the half helot friend of Xeones?
(a) His name is Dekton.
(b) His name is Paraleio.
(c) His name is Polynikes.
(d) His name is Alexandros.
3. What obstacle separates the two sides of the battleground?
(a) A low stone wall bisects the field.
(b) A creek bisects the field.
(c) A palisade bisects the field.
(d) A swift river runs through the center of the field.
4. Why do the Antirhions lose the battle?
(a) There are traitors in the line.
(b) They allow fear to take control.
(c) They lack the advanced weaponry of the Spartans.
(d) They are far outnumbered by the Spartans.
5. What are the names of the two dogs that Xeones and Diomache find?
(a) The dogs are Happy and Lucky.
(b) The dogs are Leonidas and Xerxes.
(c) The dogs are Lucky and Bruno.
(d) The dogs are Bruno and Flanx.
Short Answer Questions
1. How does Xeones return to life from the grave?
2. What is the name of the city-state where Xeones is from?
3. Who is Suicide?
4. By what warrior code are young Spartans raised?
5. What is othismos?
Short Essay Questions
1. What happens to Xeones after his city is burned?
2. What is the concern of the lady Paraleio, Alexandros' mother?
3. Why does the author jump from place to place in the story?
4. Who catches Alexandros not using his shield properly? What happens?
5. How does Dienekes feel about Tommie's suggestion that Sparta join Persia by choice?
6. How does Xeones describe the Spartan view on war?
7. Why do the Spartans punish their young boys by whipping them?
8. Why does Xerxes become impatient with Xeones?
9. How do Alexandros and Xeones get across the Gulf of Corinth when following the army?
10. What is the outcome of the battle?
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