Gates of Fire Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Steven Pressfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gates of Fire Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Steven Pressfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 6: Dienekes, Chapter 24 - 29.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Thermopylae is described as what?
(a) Thermopylae is described as a holy place, dedicated to the worship of the gods.
(b) Thermopylae is described as an ancient battle ground where many battles have taken place over the centuries.
(c) Thermopylae is described as a small fishing village where the Persians land their invasion force.
(d) Thermopylae is described as a place where travelers go to use the hot mineral baths.

2. Why does Polynikes feel that Spartans are superior to any other people?
(a) He says that they are better because of war and manly valor.
(b) He feels that the gods show more favor to the Spartans than to anyone else.
(c) He feels that all men are equal.
(d) He says that the Spartans are far more intelligent than anyone else.

3. What secret does Arete tell Xeones in Chapter 20?
(a) She tells him that the son of Rooster really was Dienekes' child.
(b) She tells him that she had been in love with Dienekes e since she was a young girl, even while married to his brother.
(c) She tells him that she has been having an affair with Leonidas for years.
(d) She tells him that she has been in love with him for years.

4. Why does Xeones refuse to narrate anymore?
(a) He grows bored with the work.
(b) He learns that Xerxes is going to kill him after he completes his story.
(c) He realizes that telling Xerxes of Spartan warfare is treason.
(d) He finds out about the mutilation of king Leonidas' body.

5. Xeones tells of an exercise that the people in the baggage train practice where they serve as punching bags for the Spartan heavy infantry. What is this exercise called?
(a) It is called The Oak.
(b) It is called The Breaking.
(c) It is called The Ploughman's Blade.
(d) It is called sparring.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Rooster related to Dienekes?

2. What happens to Xeones when he is caught stealing?

3. How does Xeones describe Dienekes?

4. What can Xeones see toward the middle gate?

5. Who does Xeones list off as some of the members of the tent raiding party?

(see the answer key)

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