Gates of Fire Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Steven Pressfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gates of Fire Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Steven Pressfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 5: Polynikes, Chapter 18 - 19.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the people of Sparta sing as the soldiers march off to war?
(a) They sing the Battle Hymn of the Republic.
(b) They sing the hymn to Castor.
(c) They sing praises to the god Apollo.
(d) They sing the Spartan anthem.

2. Why do the Spartans use that method to count their dead?
(a) It is an ancient tradition that has been passed down for generations.
(b) It helps to keep their minds occupied and off of the fact that only moments earlier they were slaughtering men like farmers reaping wheat.
(c) It is the Spartan law that the dead be counted in such a way.
(d) It is done to confuse the enemy.

3. How do the soldiers show their disfavor when Polynikes is scolding Alexandros?
(a) They politely leave the area to avoid overhearing.
(b) They join Polynikes in berating Alexandros.
(c) They rap their knuckles on the table.
(d) They ignore the speech.

4. What do the Spartans do when they reach the field of battle?
(a) They send some men to sneak around and flank the enemy.
(b) They immediately retreat.
(c) They charge recklessly into the melee.
(d) They calmly go about getting ready for battle, and wait for the enemy.

5. What is the reason that Xerxes comes to Greece?
(a) He comes to have the Greek submit to him, and to have them offer him earth and water.
(b) He comes to conquer the land for natural resources.
(c) He comes to avenge the death of his father.
(d) He comes to plunder the riches of Greece.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 9, who dies on the final night of the training exercise?

2. What is oktonyktia?

3. What does the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi tell the Athenians?

4. How old are Xeones and Diomache when they separate?

5. How does the Egyptian number the Persian fleet?

(see the answer key)

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