Gargantua and Pantagruel Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gargantua and Pantagruel Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Pantagruel and his men see the hairy tribe of Procureers and Chicanous?
(a) Procuration.
(b) Paris.
(c) Tapinois.
(d) Amaurots.

2. Who does Pantagruel ask to parley with in Fourth Book of Pantagruel: Chapter Forty-two?
(a) Jean Audeau.
(b) Epistemon.
(c) King Anarch.
(d) Lady Niphleseth.

3. Panurge and his compatriots discuss the fact that women desire what in Third Book of Pantagruel: Chapter Thirty-four?
(a) Forbidden things.
(b) Great warriors.
(c) Chocolate.
(d) God-like men.

4. In Fourth Book of Pantagruel: Chapters Fifty-nine and Sixty tell of how the Gastrolaters worship Gaster as their what?
(a) Omnipresent deity.
(b) Revolutionary hero.
(c) Cultural icon.
(d) Ventripotent god.

5. What is the name of the hermit who greets Pantagruel's ships in Fifth Book of Pantagruel: Chapter One?
(a) Quaremeprenant.
(b) Braguibus.
(c) Messer Gaster.
(d) Catty-Claws.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is abstracted from France by the virtue of the Decretals?

2. What did the wife in Panurge's dream put on his head in Third Book of Pantagruel: Chapter Fourteen?

3. At what island does Pantagruel's ship stop in Fourth Book of Pantagruel: Chapter Two?

4. Who does Pantagruel suggest Panurge take the advice from in Third Book of Pantagruel: Chapter Thirty-seven?

5. The Fourth Book of Pantagruel: Introduction states that this book was written in what year?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who does Pantagruel convince Panurge to see in Third Book of Pantagruel: Chapter Nineteen?

2. What is described of Gaster in Fourth Book of Pantagruel: Chapters Fifty-nine and Sixty?

3. What does the physician suggest to Panurge in Third Book of Pantagruel: Chapter Thirty-three? What about the philosopher?

4. What takes place in Fourth Book of Pantagruel: Chapters Sixty-six through the end of the novel?

5. What do the inhabitants of Ruach ingest? What conversation does Pantagruel have with their king?

6. Where does Pantagruel land in Fourth Book of Pantagruel: Chapter Thirty-five? What does he see there?

7. What do the tribe of Procureers and Chicanous do for a living? What story does Panurge relate of them?

8. What hearing does Pantagruel attend in Third Book of Pantagruel: Chapter Thirty-eight? What is revealed there?

9. What does Pantagruel speak of in Third Book of Pantagruel: Chapters Forty-three and Forty-four?

10. What do Pantagruel and his men find on Ringing Island in Fifth Book of Pantagruel: Chapters One and Two?

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