Gargantua and Pantagruel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gargantua and Pantagruel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Pantagruel cover his men with from the rain in Pantagruel: Chapter Twenty-two?
(a) His tongue.
(b) His foot.
(c) His hair.
(d) His ear.

2. Who addresses Gargantua to explain the importance of the bells in Gargantua: Chapter Eighteen?
(a) Thaumaste.
(b) Panurge.
(c) Magister Janotus de Bragmardo.
(d) Magister Virgil.

3. Whose defeat does Carpalim announce to the city in Pantagruel: Chapter Twenty-one?
(a) Solomon's.
(b) King Anarch's.
(c) Epistemon's
(d) Janotus'.

4. It is written in Gargantua: Chapter Twenty-two that Gargantua spent rainy days attending what?
(a) Art museums.
(b) The theatre.
(c) Church.
(d) Public lectures.

5. What does one of the pilgrims' staff hit, causing Gargantua to spit them out in Gargantua: Chapter Thirty-six?
(a) His stomach lining.
(b) His throat.
(c) A cavity.
(d) His bowels.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many novels are contained in the collection "Gargantua and Pantagruel" by Francois Rabelais?

2. What man with a Germanic tongue does Pantagruel meet in Pantagruel: Chapter Nine?

3. How many knights approach Pantagruel's vessel in Pantagruel: Chapter Sixteen?

4. What is the name of Pantagruel's mother?

5. Who asks why many men avoid monks in Gargantua: Chapter Thirty-eight?

Short Essay Questions

1. When was Gargantua written? What does To Readers suggest about the text?

2. What is the response of the Amaurots to King Anarch's defeat?

3. How is Gargantua's childhood described in Gargantua: Chapter Ten?

4. What dispute arises in Garganua's homeland in Gargantua: Chapter Twenty-three? Who begins an attack?

5. What does Pantagruel think of Panurge at the onset of their friendship? How does the narrator describe Panurge in Pantagruel: Chapter Twelve?

6. To whom is Pantagruel compared in Pantagruel: Chapter Ten? What office is offered him and why does he refuse it?

7. What is the subject of Gargantua: Chapters One through Five? What is suggested by Gargamelle's pregnancy?

8. Who does Pantagruel challenge to combat in Pantagruel: Chapter Nineteen? What is the conclusion of the battle?

9. Describe Pantagruel's birth. Why did his father give him the name Pantagruel?

10. What land does Pantagruel subdue in Third Book of Pantagruel: Chapter One? Who does he give Salmaguni to?

(see the answer keys)

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