Gargantua and Pantagruel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gargantua and Pantagruel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Gargantua's mother eat a lot of during her pregnancy in Gargantua: Chapter Four?
(a) Croissants.
(b) Hog jowels.
(c) Cheese.
(d) Tripe.

2. What is the name of Pantagruel's father?
(a) Cepola.
(b) Gargantua.
(c) Badebec.
(d) Rabelais.

3. Where does Pantagruel's army march to take the entire kingdom by force in Pantagruel: Chapter Twenty-one?
(a) Amaurots.
(b) Paris.
(c) Dipsodia.
(d) The Isle of Ennasin.

4. In Pantagruel: Prologue, the author compared the novel to what literary genre?
(a) Medieval romances.
(b) Non-fiction.
(c) Medieval fairy tales.
(d) Medieval war tales.

5. Who does Pantagruel assign the castellany of Salmagundi in Third Book of Pantagruel: Chapter Two?
(a) Solomon.
(b) Thaumaste.
(c) Frere Jean.
(d) Panurge.

6. What is the name of Gargantua's mother?
(a) Carpalim.
(b) Ponocrates.
(c) Badebec
(d) Gargamelle.

7. What does Pantagruel send the prisoner with to the king in Pantagruel: Chapter Eighteen?
(a) A peace flower.
(b) A concoction.
(c) An olive branch.
(d) A special book.

8. Pantagruel: Introduction explains that this is the first edition of "Pantagruel" which was dated when?
(a) 1513 or 1514.
(b) 1531 or 1532.
(c) 1522 or 1523.
(d) 1515 or 1516.

9. What colors are the livery Gargantua's father orders for Gargantua in Gargantua: Chapter Seven?
(a) Black and tan.
(b) Blue and white.
(c) Green and gold.
(d) Blue and orange.

10. Who claims that many monks are lazy in Gargantua: Chapter Thirty-eight?
(a) Solomon.
(b) Frere Jean.
(c) Gargantua.
(d) King Picrochole the Third.

11. What does Gargantua's father ask him to do by letter in Gargantua: Chapter Twenty-six?
(a) Come home.
(b) Go to church.
(c) Go to London.
(d) Go to Paris.

12. To what king does Pantagruel send the prisoner in Pantagruel: Chapter Eighteen?
(a) King Bodum.
(b) King Fasil.
(c) King Anarch.
(d) King Blaine.

13. In Gargantua: Chapter Thirty-one, le Comte Spandassaino and Captain Squirt use what to convince Picrochole to attack the cities and fortresses of Utopia?
(a) Lies.
(b) Passion.
(c) Conviction.
(d) Flattery.

14. Who orders his men to march against the shepherds of Utopia in Gargantua: Chapter Twenty-four?
(a) King Picrochole the Third.
(b) Panurge.
(c) Badebec.
(d) Magister Janotus de Bragmardo.

15. Who does Gargantua take as prisoner in Gargantua: Chapter Forty-two?
(a) Pantagruel.
(b) Comte de Rushin.
(c) Hastyveal.
(d) Braggart.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Braggart kill for accusing him of corruption in Gargantua: Chapter Forty-five?

2. Who asks why many men avoid monks in Gargantua: Chapter Thirty-eight?

3. What does Pantagruel receive instead of the office in Pantagruel: Chapter Ten?

4. What does Grandgousier give to each pilgrim for their journey in Gargantua: Chapter Forty-three?

5. What does the name Pantagruel mean?

(see the answer keys)

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