Gargantua and Pantagruel Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gargantua and Pantagruel Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Gargantua: Chapters 18-35 (p. 261-322).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Of whom is it written, "if ever there was such a one in Paris, a felon, a cheat, a tippler, a loafer, a scrounger, but that apart, the nicest young lad in the world"?
(a) Panurge.
(b) Anarch.
(c) Thaumaste.
(d) Solomon.

2. What does Gargantua's father ask him to do by letter in Gargantua: Chapter Twenty-six?
(a) Go to London.
(b) Go to Paris.
(c) Go to church.
(d) Come home.

3. With whose wisdom is Pantagruel's compared in Pantagruel: Chapter Ten?
(a) Jesus.
(b) Solomon.
(c) Mohammed.
(d) Moses.

4. It is written in Gargantua: Chapter Twenty-two that Gargantua spent rainy days attending what?
(a) Art museums.
(b) Church.
(c) Public lectures.
(d) The theatre.

5. What is the name of Gargantua's father?
(a) Janotus.
(b) Ponocrates.
(c) Magister Janotus de Bragmardo.
(d) Grandgousier.

Short Answer Questions

1. Pantagruel: Introduction explains that this is the first edition of "Pantagruel" which was dated when?

2. Where does Pantagruel stroll toward to seek recreation from his studies in Pantagruel: Chapter Eleven?

3. Who does Pantagruel learn have laid waste to Utopia in Pantagruel: Chapter Fifteen?

4. Pantagruel refuses the offer given to him in Pantagruel: Chapter Ten because he believes such offices are like what?

5. What is the name of Gargantua's mother?

(see the answer key)

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