Garden of Shadows Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Garden of Shadows Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Olivia Foxworth

This is the ugly duckling daughter of a rich businessman in Connecticut.

Malcolm Foxworth

A good looking man, this character is the son of a wealthy businessman and owner of the featured Hall.

Alicia Foxworth

This is the second wife of Garland, and the mother of Corinne and Christopher.

Garland Foxworth

This laid back, easy going character brings light and laughter to Foxworth Hall upon arrival with their spouse.

Christopher Foxworth

The child of Garland and Alicia, this character is described as being warm and compassionate, loving and sweet.

Corinne Foxworth, Daughter

Named after her fathers' mother, this character is the daughter of Malcolm, and the perceived daughter of Olivia.

Malcolm 'Mal' Foxworth

This character is the eldest child of Malcolm and Olivia.

Joel Foxworth

This character is the youngest child of Olivia and Malcolm.

John Amos

This is Olivia's last living relative, and cousin.

Corinne Foxworth, Mother

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