How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When the house was dressed up for the Christmas party, what did the poinsettias look like?
(a) Glowing lanterns.
(b) White lights.
(c) Flaming torches.
(d) Red trees.

2. Why did Nivea think the girls were lucky?
(a) Because they could swim every morning.
(b) Because their yard was so pretty.
(c) Because when their father returned from a trip he always brought them presents.
(d) Because they lived in a beautiful house.

3. What did Sandi see in the shed at the artist's house?
(a) An old servant doing laundry.
(b) A man in uniform with a dog.
(c) Her father, doing laundry
(d) A naked man working on a large sculpture.

4. Where did the Garcias live when they first arrived in New York?
(a) In a compound.
(b) On the streets.
(c) In a small apartment.
(d) In a row house.

5. When the police questioned Carla about the man in the car, who did they insist answer all the questions?
(a) Carla's mother.
(b) Yolanda because she spoke the best English.
(c) Carla's father.
(d) Carla alone.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why were all the de la Torre girls sent to take art lessons?

2. What did Yolanda's 4th grade teacher tell the students about what was happening in the world?

3. What did Victor offer to the secret police to end the trouble with the Garcia's?

4. How did the other students react to Carla in her new school in the 7th grade?

5. What was confusing to Carla as she entered the 7th grade?

(see the answer keys)

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